~Chapter Twenty~

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Christian's POV


To say that I was pissed, was an understatment.

We had a plan, a fixed plan that we both agreed to follow.

But no. Rosalie had to pull out her own cards yet again.

Once the Police had arrived to do a full scope around the building, it came to light that Kade had been laundering illegal money through his club sales.

Speaking of which, after I did a full insight on his electronic devices, we found out he wasn't even the owner.

Said owner, was currently out of town on a business trip and had left his friend, Kade, in charge of the club until he had returned.

But it seems like Kade had chewed more than he could swallow.

At first we thought this was a planned thing between Kade and Mr Walton, the owner, but when I called him to give over the news, all I got in response was a very long string of profanities, and what sounded like objects slamming off walls.

The anger in his tone was something no one could fake, even though he would still be taken in for some questioning, I would be the first to believe this man was innocent in all of this.

"Great work once again, Detective Harding. I'm very pleased with the work you and Detective Dawson have managed to pull from the gutters over your recent cases."

Robert had not long showed up on the scene, and I was first to be greeted with a hand shake.

"The pleasure is all mine, Chief. I did get in contact with Mr Walton, but my guesses are, he had no idea what was running under his nose in his club."

I play back the recording I took from the phone call I had with Mr Walton, the same expression landing on Robert's face like I had.

"I would guess the same. A few of my officers are headed over there as we speak. We still need to get more information of who else worked here, current and past. Just in case there's anything missing we haven't caught out yet."

Another officer had approached Robert, and he quietly excused himself to do some further investigating.

"You two can go on and head home. I'll pass on the case to Michael once we question the employees."

After the time I had today, an ice cold whiskey was calling my name.

With a pat on my back, he sends me on my way, and I gladly take the opportunity to escape.

Thinking I was going to have myself a few hours of peace, that hope was quickly dwindled into nothing, when I spot Rosalie perched up on the bonnet of my car, that stupid smirk still on her face.

"Seems like my Father has grown very fond of you, Detective Harding."

New found anger settled within me. Ignoring her smart remarks, I bypass her and hop into my car and start the engine.

"Get off the car, Rosalie."

This woman had tested my patience to the nth degree today, and I hadn't have much left to deal with anymore of her antics.

She didn't move. Only to ignore my words and rest her hands back on the bonet, crossing one leg over the other.

"Nice weather we're having today, don't you think?"

That's it.

I put the car in reverse, and quickly ecelerate and break, making her jerk forward, sliding off the car.

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