~Chapter Forty Two~

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Narrator’s POV

“All set to go?”

Rosalie turned her head to the door, to see Christian entering with the small travel car seat in hand, the shade attached engraved in baby blue writing with Drew.

“I can’t wait to get home.” Rosalie tiredly expresses with a sigh, gently pushing Drew’s arms into the wool padded white coat. “I’ll draw you a bubble bath as soon as we get there. I have a little surprise set up for you.” Christian smiles and kisses Rosalie’s temple, before lifting the baby carrier from the bed.

Rosalie takes one step and feels a shooting pain between her legs, making her wince and step back against the bed. Christian gently sets the carrier down and rushes to her side with a worried look, rubbing her arm comfortingly.

“Is it the stitches?” He asks knowingly as Rosalie nods, a pained expression filling her face. “I’ll ask for a wheelchair to be brought up. I’ll be back in a second.”

Christian flees to find a nurse and asks for assistance with the wheelchair, and thankfully, one was provided a few short minutes later.

“Here we go.” With an arm wrapped around Rosalie’s back, Christian helps her onto the chair and sets the carrier onto her knees before pushing both Rosalie and Drew outside to the elevator.

As the double doors of the hospital building opens, Rosalie was greeted with Robert, Kiara, and Damien, holding “Congratulations, It’s A Boy” balloons and a few gift bags.

“Guys, you shouldn’t have.” Rosalie speaks up in awe, a bright smile growing on her face as Kiara greeted her with a side hug.

“You thought I wasn’t gonna give my best friend a proper first greeting?” Kiara chuckled and peered into the carrier, quietly ’awe’ing once Drew came into her sights.

“I appreciate it, Kay.” Rosalie mumbles as she hugs Kiara. As she steps back, Damien comes up behind her, greeting Rosalie with a friendly kiss on the cheek before he peeks into the baby carrier.

“You did good, Rose. I’m so happy for the two of you. He is beautiful.” Rosalie smiles appreciatively and looks down at her son sleeping peacefully.

“We were going to wait until tomorrow, but I was just too excited to meet him.” Kiara speaks up with a sheepish gin on her face.

“It’s absolutely okay. He couldn’t wait to meet his Aunt Kay.” Rosalie grins as Kiara lights up at the mention of the word ‘Aunt’.

“See? I get the Aunt title.” Kiara sticks her tongue out at Damien childishly, making him roll his eyes. “Oh please, we all know already I’m gonna be the favourite Uncle.”

Damien teases back, giving a little nudge with his elbow to Kiara’s side playfully. Rosalie and Christian give each other a knowing side-eye look to one and other, catching Kiara’s attention.

“It’s not what you’re thinking!” She almost immediately bursts out, as Damien covers his heart with his hand dramatically. “You wounded me.”

Rosalie and Christian both laugh, shaking their heads in amusement. “They are so dating. I called it.” Rosalie whispers as Christian nods in agreement.

“Ready to go home?” Christian mumbles, placing a kiss on the top of Rosalie’s head as she nods, before taking the carrier to secure it into the car.

Opening Rosalie’s door, Christian helps her get situated inside before heading into the drivers seat. “We’ll catch you two love birds tomorrow.” Christian shouts out from the rolled down window, making Kiara’s eyes widen.

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