~Chapter Twenty Eight~

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Narrator's POV


"You're what?!"

As Rosalie sat in Christian's kitchen, Kiara sat in place in front of her, as she had presented the pregnancy test in front of her life-long best friend.

"I'm just in as much shock as you are..." Rosalie breathed out, as her eyes landed on the test that laid in the middle of the kitchen table.

I am pregnant. I have a whole human growing inside of me. What the fuck... This was Rosalie's current thoughts.

"I don't think I can do this, Kay." She took in a deep breath, as Kiara's arms wrapped around her.

"Listen to me. You will never..ever be alone in this. We are stuck for life. Regardless of what ever happens, I'm always going to be here for you and this baby. Do you hear me?"

Kiara took a gentle hold of Rosalie's chin, her promising eyes bore into hers, as Rosalie just nodded slowly, a sob escaping her lips.

"I don't know what I'd do without you, Kay." Rosalie smiled with watery eyes, as Kiara just held her in her arms.

She was forever grateful for her best friend. Kiara always knew the right words to say. Although her following words, struck Rosalie into a standstill.

"Does Robert know?"

"I- I haven't told him yet. He was on a case when I got took into hospital. I haven't heard from him since."

A new worry came over Rosalie, as she realised that it had been over twenty-four hours since she had last heard from her Father.

"Ro, don't get yourself worked up. Isn't Christian on a case with your Dad today?"

Rosalie didn't answer, only stood up and reached for her bag to pull out her cell phone, dialing her Father's number.

When she was met with a dialing tone for the third time, she immediately disconnected the call, and rang Christian.

Something didn't feel right.

"Amore- Christian?! Is my Dad with you?"

Christian's eyebrows furrowed in confusion at Rosalie's tone as he picked up her call, looking at his wrist-watch.

"The last thing I knew he was leaving the Precinct to visit you at my place. I had a talk with him earlier, said he was going to check up on a case with Michael, then come over. Is everything okay?"

Rosalie's eyes watered as they met Kiara's once again, her voice cracked as she tried to speak, but Kiara was quick to grab a hold of the phone.

"Christian, it's Kiara. You need to go down to the Precinct. Now. Robert hasn't answered the phone all day, and we last heard was that he was on a case with the Experior Lutenant from this afternoon."

As Kiara spoke to Christian, her words drowned out in Rosalie's ears.. her fear settled deep and before she could even register it herself.. her feet were guiding herself out of the door into her car.

"Rosalie!" Kiara's voice echoed in the distance, but it wasn't going to stop her, as she wheel-spinned her car out of the driveway and sped down the streets.

She dialed into the Precinct with her radio, and to her luck, Claire had picked up the line.

"Rosalieee, I was just- Claire?! Has my Father took any vehicle out of the Precinct today?!" The urgency was undeniable in her tone, therefore, Claire asked no questions, and searched through the database to find out any answers Rosalie needed.

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