~Chapter Thirty Seven~

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Christian's POV


Over the following 40 minutes, Robert and I found ourselves headed over way to Garrett's new-found hideout place.

I was surprised that he was able to keep the location under wraps up until now, but I'll give credit where it's due.

"This needs to end. Tonight." I follow the voice to my left to find Robert, staring hard ahead as his sights stilled on the house in front of us.

Garrett's first home.

It was blind to us up until now, that we had finally realised, Garrett was still using his childhood home as his hideout spot.

The only reason we never found it until now, is that it was never registered under Garrett's name.. nor his family name for that record.

"I promise you, Robert. I will take this motherfucker down, even if it's the last thing I do."

I meant it. I owed that little to Rosalie, to give her peace of mind... even if she didn't know yet. She deserved that peace and comfort that she knew I would be able to keep her and our little peach safe and sound.

Looking over to the house to my right, it's visable to see Garrett was at home. If the mere sight of him through the window sniffing cocaine wasn't enough to confirm my suspicion, the three black SUVs sent that message.

"Son of a bitch thinks it's party time. Little does he know, the party aint even started." My teeth grit in anger, but before I could even reach the handle to open the door, Robert's hand on my shoulder stopped me.

I looked over to find Robert's attention occupied elsewhere, as he just gave a silent nod, pointing to where the SUV sat.

Four men dressed fully in black, along with black ski masks, began to approach Garrett's house, all of them spreading out into difference directions.

"Chief Dawson, calling for a 10-66, sub calling a code 8 just off the west coast of Blairfield." I narrow my eyes at Robert for the call of requesting back up over a suspicous persons code and quickly grab the radio.

"Dude, we're undercover here. Do you not think as soon as this place is swarmed with cops, these jackasses are gonna dip as soon as they hear 'em coming?"

Robert just sighed and rubbed his palms over his face in frustration. "If we go into this blindly, without backup, we don't know what will happen. We came for Garrett, not to clean up whatever shit he's gotten himself into."

I let my head drop back onto the rest behind me, and turned off the engine. "Keep safe distance from main street. If possible, all officers in response, take out a 10-49 outwith Blairfield Avenue. Standby for Code 2."

Robert set down the radio and noted down a few details in his notepad before exiting the car. "You go up front, I'll go round back. If you need me, punch in 52149 on your radio."

Instead of posting an arugment, I let Robert leave without disturbance and made his way from the car and through the trees that surrounded the front of the house.

As I watched him disappear from my sights, I head around the opposite side, slowly making my way into the backyard, where I found Garrett's patio doors left open.

"We have been lienent with you for over six weeks, Winslet. Time to cough up what you owe."

As I edge my head around the corner, the view of Garrett high off his ass leans down to the table, intaking a line of what I could only assume was cocaine.

"I already talked to the big man. He gave me two more weeks to pay him. Don't worry, you'll get the money in due time."

Garrett paid no mind to the men in his house, nor the six women that paraded around his kitchen with wine glasses, wearing next to nothing as he grabbed a credit card, carving out another line from the small mountain of powder that lay on the wooden table.

"That was two weeks ago, Garrett. You were told we were coming tonight. Or is that shit already giving you non existent memory loss?"

The anger and lack of patience in his voice was soon growing thinner, and I was inwardly hoping for events to move smoothly.

Although I soon came to a realisation... nothing about this was going to go smooth.

"Gentleman, please. I'll call Dave and let him know his money will arrive in good time. Now if you will please, just- ow! Motherfucker!"

I peered around the doorway once more, only to see the shouts of pain coming from Garrett, who had been pinned down by one of the men standing next to him.

"We are not here to play games, asshole. You owe us and you owe Dave. Where's the fucking money?!"

All of the women screamed as the man who held down Garrett, pointed a gun to his head, running in attempts to get out of the house.

"You. Make sure none of the whores escape, we don't need any loose witnesses."

With that instruction, I watched two of the guys run towards me to follow three women that ran into the kitchen, and another two men scoping out the hallway.

"We need to get in there and stop this. What's our-" As I turn my head to my right, my words are stopped as Robert was already making his way around the side of the house, leaving me to catch up at a snails pace so I wouldn't create much noise and attract any unwanted attention.

"Hey! We're supposed to stick together!" I whisper shout over to Robert, who simply turns to me with a sour look on his face.

"I'm not your Mother. I'm not holding your hand through this. You need to be on the other god damn side, you moron!"

I scowl at his immaturity and make a b-line from where Robert and I were to the opposite side of the house.

Just as I thought my luck was coming to an end, the smirk of victory appeared on my lips when my eyes are greeted with a set of steel ladders laying by the exterior house wall.

"Take that, Chief dick." I smile and set up the ladders against the house, my smile widening when my eyes catch the outside lock on the window, making my entry just that little easier.

After successfully ducking and rolling in with my back painfully colliding with the tiled floor, I bite back a groan and quietly scope down the stairs, being careful to mark out any squeak spots with my foot on the way.

Just as my eyes make me think their being deceived, the spurt of blood shooting from Garrett's mouth after a punch to the jaw that was issued by one of the men, made my sights clearer.

Nothing the dick doesn't deserve.

"I'm telling you one last time... I don't have the money."

Garrett panted out his words, as by the time it took me to get inside and onto the stairway, the gang had roughened him up quite a bit.

Taking a quick glance at my phone, I check up on Rosalie's tracker, glad to see the two red flashing dots were now blinking back at home.

"Well if it isn't here.. I guess we'll just need to look around a little closer to home. Let's go boys. You two.. keep him here. We got an old friend to visit."

The man chuckled and grabbed what I could only assume to be a picture frame, the image soon becoming clear, making my blood boil from within.


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