~Chapter Fifty Three~

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Narrator's POV




It was 3:45AM on day 25 of the search for Rosalie.

As time passed, Christian hope on finding her was slacking more by the minute. 

By day 21, the findings of the promise ring that Christian gave to Rosalie on the day the reconciled, was found in a bundle of charred rubbish from the building.

At this point, it was all Christian had left from her.

Christian had returned home for a two day rest before heading back to the warehouse location. Even though the strict order from Robert was given time after time, being at home didn't help... not unless he had Rosalie by his side.

Christian called Kiara and Damien every few hours to check up on Drew, only to be asked the same question: Have you found her yet?

Every time they asked, Christian had to think to himself... Is this really what I am doing? Is this really what's happening?

Every time a colleague passed by, they would give their best sympathy vote, promising they wouldn't rest until they had found his beloved Rosalie.

As Christian watched the rescue team prepare boats to check the perimeter of the land, he headed back to the warehouse wreckage. His eyes scanned every rustled area, the ground covered in nothing but char, dirt and broken wood.

He watched the dark skies filled with stars, as he walked to the sight, hoping for some sort of sign to tell him where Rosalie might be.

Running on little-to-no sleep at all was starting to get to him.

After flashing his light across the ground, he noticed a trail of wood that had amended through the explosion, and curiosity filled his mind.

Careful steps pulled him closer, and as he glared his flashlight down to the ground, the glint of silver shined at the interaction.

In a hurry, he fell to his knees, as his bare hands raked through the rubble and dirt to find a ring.

Rosalie's ring.

"Come on... Come on!" Christian chanted as he single handedly pulled through the muck, desperately searching for who he thought might be Rosalie trapped.

As his hands sunk deeper into the dirt, what he thought was the lack of sleep was tormenting him, an almost inaudible grunt submerged from a near-afar.

Clenching a fist around the ring, Christian scrambled on his knees to where the nose had came from, his heart nearly bursting out of his chest once the dust covered hair of Rosalie came into his sights.


Christian sobbed as he worked at his quickest speeds to pull the dirt from barricading her in any longer.

"Rose? Baby? It's me, Christian. Can you hear me?!" Christian shouted whilst tears blurred his vision.

Three of the helpers heard Christian's plea for help, running at their fastest pace to help pull out the char and dirt from around Rosalie's body.

Christian frantically searched around her neck and wrists for a pulse, growing more worried by every passing second when he couldn't find one.

"Get Robert! NOW!" He yelled whilst pulling the radio at his waist.

"Detective Harding. All hands on deck stop with immediate effect. Lead intercept a mile around the perimeter. I have found Detective Dawson. I repeat, Detective Dawson has been found."

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