~Chapter Nine~

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Rosalie's POV


"And then he just fucking left me!"

I groan in frustration as my back hit the soft mattress below me. My eyes roll as I hear the echo of a laugh, irritating my ears.

"So you're mad that he didn't tame your tiger?" Kiara could hardly get her words out without a laugh coming out between them.

I roll onto my stomach and push my laptop up a little, her smug face coming into view on the screen.

"You're not funny." I blatantly state.

"On the contrary, I beg to differ."

I groan, resting my face against my palms.

"Why am I so frustrated over this? I shouldn't be wanting those kind of things, Kay. I'm a married woman for crying out loud!"

Why was this having such an affect over me?

We had one... timely fling and it ended. Where is the big deal?

"Because he's been the only man who's dicked you down the right way?"

I spread my fingers, sending her an annoyed glare between them as she just innocently shrugged her shoulders.

"Tell me I'm wrong." When my ten second silence pushed my answer across, she clapped her hands together.

"Thank you very much. Once again, my point is proven."

"Kay, you're supposed to be helping me here!" I cry out in frustration.

"I'd rather just watch you cry and tumble into your sexual frustrations, that could've been handled by now, if you just fuck the man!"

"I'm married!"

After that sentence, Kiara stared at me directly, with the most 'are you stupid?' face I've ever seen within my existence.

"What? Married to yourself? The guy has barely paid you any attention since your first wedding anniversary... WHICH WAS FOUR YEARS AGO!"

I hated to admit she was right.. but Garrett and I agreed to work things through. It would be different.

"We are working through what married people work through." I pressed my lips together, had been given a middle finger in response.

"Yeah... and Tom Hanks is my Father." This girl.

The was a silent pause before Kiara leaned closer to the camera, with a gentle expression on her face.

"Rosebean, I love you. Really. I do. But you and I both know you aren't getting your needs fulfilled righteously that should be within your marriage. And I'm not even just talking with sex either."

Something in me questioned whether I should have told her about the jacket incident, but knowing how my best friend worked, she wouldn't hesitate to show up at his job and snap his dick off like a glowstick.

I loved Kiara more than life itself, but I wouldn't put it past her to not end up in court for the murder of my Husband over this reason.

As I was about to speak up, my phone dinged with a message.

Message From: Garrett
Preview: Something came up at work, business meeting out of town with Marcus. We'll probably catch a nearby hotel for the night. See you tomorrow.

"What's wrong?" Kiara spoke up, pulling my attention back, making me hold my phone up to the camera.

"He's out of town for...work." I sigh and throw my phone over to the opposite side of the bed.

"On a Sunday? Come on Rose, you're seriously not going to buy this shit, are you?" She exasperated, throwing her hands in the air.

"No. I know. I just- I don't know. Hey, do you mind if I call you tomorrow? I think um- I think I'm just gonna have an early night." I mumble, suddenly my stomach felt like it was going to erupt at any given time.

"Sure girl. Just shoot me a text after work, okay? Love you."

I nodded and gave my "I love you"s back before I closed over the laptop. Looking at the time, I saw it was nearing 9PM, having nothing better to do, I slipped back under my sheets and turned off my bedside lamp.

I lay in the centre of the cold bed, staring at the ceiling.

At first my mind was blank, then it led to what Kiara said about Garrett, leading to how our marriage was like for the past twelve months, into... him.

My thoughts drifted back to the moment I sinfully hoped for it to play out, how I had it in my mind. It was like my memory had a play button.

The image of Christian enclosing my body before his.

The way his scent surrounded me like a blanket.

The way his voice sent shivers down my whole body.

The way he made me feel inside, like my burnt out fire had been relit.

The way his touch made my body react to him instantly.

The picture popped up in my mind as my fingers created a mind of their own, tracing down the same line of my stomach, they same way Christian's did.

I let out a shaky breath as I let my fingers ever so lightly trace the skin underneath the waistband of my cotton shorts connecting a line from one hip to the other.

Just like he did.

Before he left me hanging, like wet clothes on an airer.

The frustration I felt then, wasn't as much as I felt now, but damn well near close to it.

"Fuck you, Christian." I whispered in a pant, letting my fingers slip underneath the material to the damp spot between my legs.

My eyes slightly widened at my findings. I had never been in such an aroused state for... what seemed like forever ago.

I couldn't help as my thoughts whisked me away into the darkest places, to let my fingers strum a pattern against my soaked heat, making my legs tremble.

As the sensitive rise was building, awaiting to crash into it's own pit of bliss, I leaned up on one elbow, watching as my hand had continously messed the positioning of my shorts.

"Oh Christian." I couldn't help but let his name escape my lips, as if it was the secret code to unlocking my pleasure. My moans echoed off the walls as they grew louder, my eyes closing in utter bliss, as my mind begin rolling a private show of its own.

The memory of his body hovered over mine, the remembrance of how his touch felt over every part of me... it was my undoing.

I cried out a moan, as my legs tensed, my back arching off the bed as I withered away into a limp panting mess, my eyes eventually growing heavily.

If it wasn't for the heavy daze I had slipped into, I would've questioned if someone had entered the room, as a deep chuckle faintly rang through my ears.

But my brain couldn't comprehend that thought, my eyes slipping shut, my body relaxing back down, sinking further into the sheets, inviting me to sleep.

"Sweet dreams, My Rose."

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