~Chapter Fifty One~

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Narrator's POV


After keeping her head down and storming through the final load of her case files, Rosalie stretched out in her chair, and through the last file back into her desk drawer, making a mental note to take them down to the file room later.

Just as she was about to take a sip of her coffee, Rosalie caught Christian with the corner of her eye, bolting down the hallway in a hurry like the building was on fire.

Her brows furrowed in confusion, looking towards her Father's office, watching as he emerges from the doorway, looking towards the direction Christian had started running down before his eyes fell on Rosalie.

"Should I ask?"

It wasn't until the worried look on her Father's face, did Rosalie shoot up from my seat and rush over. "What the hell is going on?"

Robert spoke no words, but handed Rosalie a file with shaking hands. "I gave him the wrong address about the wrong file."

She skimmed over the file with her eyes quickly, her gut beginning to churn as the reality settles in.

"He's never been caught-"

"Nor has his victims ever been found." Rosalie finished off, her words trailing into silence. "What does he think he's getting into?.. Dad?"

His worry and panic-filled eyes bore into hers, visibily gulping with nervousness before he breathes out. "Gang attack."

Shit. Shit. Shit. This isn't good.

"If I don't get there in time... Your head will be the next one on a platter. Call for backup." Rosalie shoved the file against Robert's chest with force, grabbing the keys that dangled under his badge, before sprinting down the hallway in hopes of catching up to Christian.

Just as she made a foot out the door, Rosalie looked around the Precinct parking lot, only to find car 19 missing. "Fucking shit!"

She couldn't think, only other than to grab the first set of keys on the wall, running past every car until number 7 unlocked, the lights flashing as she got closer.

As she punch in the serial code for number 19, Rosalie's signal instantly connects to Christian's car and she stepped her foot down on the gas, quickly driving down the roads that led her to him.

She tried to dial his radio, only to receive a lost signal every time. "Damn it!" Rosalie screams in frustration, throwing the radio onto the passenger seat, and presses her foot harder on the gas.

Taking a look around her surroundings, something inside her gut twists, as her eyes search for him but found nothing. Only a dim-lighted warehouse, a few miles off-road from the valley farm.

"What the fuck is this place?" Rosalie mumbled to herself, seeing nothing but broken, vacant-looking houses, not a single one with a perfectly full glass window.

Turning off the ignition, the car lights go out, bringing the darkness of the night skies out once again. Taking a cautious step out of the car, Rosalie clutched the gun on her hip tightly, making her way up the stone walkway, wincing every time the scattered rocks rumble underneath her feet with every step she took.

"Christian?" Rosalie whisper shouted, slowly pushing open the large wooden door open to the warehouse, the old hinges creaking in the silent air.

A shadow passes by, making Rosalie's breath hitch as she hide her body behind one of the many white containers that filled the room.

It was silent. So quiet that she could hear her own heartbeat drumming in her ears.

Something wasn't right.

Just then, a gush of wind soars through the building, creating such a force that slams the wooden door shut with a bang.

"Who's there?!" A distant voice shouts from afar, sending a shiver down Rosalie's spine, as she realise... it wasn't Christian.

"Come out, come out, wherever you are." The deep voice taunts, footsteps echoing as if they were coming closer, yet further away at the same time.

The wind picks up, whistling louder.

I need to find Christian.

Rosalie takes a cautious step backwards, only for a firm chest barrier to stop her. She goes to scream, but her scream drowns out as a hand clamps over her mouth, dragging her body backwards into a hay barrel.

"Shhh. Don't scream."

Rosalie's eyes struggle to find sight in this place, but a glint of the single-swinging lightblub that was centered in the warehouse roof glided over this stranger's arm.

The tattoo.

His tattoo.

The relief washes over her, only to dwindle like melting ice, as another loud footstep echoed once more.

"C-Christian.. we need to get out of here, w-we need- shh." His hush cuts her off once more. "We need to stay low and stay quiet. Don't. Make a sound."

Silence crept in as the footsteps that once got closer, drifted away into the distance.

"My dad.. he sent you on the wrong case. This has nothing to do with Reynolds. This is-" Rosalie yelped in mid sentence, as an explosive set off 5 feet away from them, the barrel that they hid behind catching on fire in the process.


Christian shouted and grabbed Rosalie's hand as they desperately seeked for an escape route.

"We need to split up." Rosalie gasped out in between breaths of air as they ran into a dead end.

"Rosalie- no listen to me. We are a much bigger target if we stay together. I'll run down the west wing. You take east. I'll meet you back at the cars. Go!"

Christian couldn't even get a chance to stop her, before she sped off like an Olympic runner in a race towards her nearest exit.

Gunshots rang out through the building as they both made a run to opposite ends.

Christian wasn't sure at first, but as the faint beeping slowly became louder as he ran towards the open door, causing worry to fill his veins.



Seconds, was all it took for Christian to make it a foot outside, before all hell let loose.

Smoke clouded the air black, sparks of fire fell from the night skies as Christian's body was sent flying down to the ground.

He coughed up angrily, as he rolled onto his back, breathing heavily.

His eyes refused to believe the sight in front of him.

In one big cloud of smoke, it was gone.

They had gone.

She... was gone.

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