~Chapter Fifty Five~

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Narrator's POV




As Christian stumbled out the car with Drew's carrier and bag, he flipped the door closed with his foot and bit down on the key that he held in his mouth to lock the doors.

"Ya know," Christian started as he let go of the keys, which to his luck, landed perfectly in Drew's open bottle bag. "You should really thank your old man for having this much skill. Not many Dad's are fantastic like me."

Drew laughed and clapped his hands together as he looked up at Christian from his seat as he carried him through the hospital doors.

"Mama!" Drew exclaimed from his seat, attempting to pull his arms out from the safety straps.

"Hold your horses, bud. You'll get to see Mama in just a minute." Christian smiled down to his Son, and hobbled his way into the elevator.

With a few lingering moments, the doors swung open with a ding on the floor Rosalie was currently resting, allowing Christian to make his way along the halls to her room.

"Now we gotta be quiet because Mama is- awake?"

Christian's head snapped up to the bed, only to see a weak and tired-looking Rosalie staring back at him with a slight smile.

Tears welded up in Christian's eyes, as he slowly lowered Drew's seat onto the floor, in luck that he was too preoccupied with his teething rattle to notice Rosalie yet.

Christian wasted not a second longer before he rushed over to Rosalie, cupping her face in his hands as he so eagerly pressed his lips to hers, sighing as a feeling of relief washed over him at having been able to feel her touch for the first time in almost four weeks.

As their lips parted, Christian's hands ran over Rosalie's arms, grabbing her arms and shoulders, kissing every inch of her skin that was in reach, unable to believe she was right here and awake.

"You have no idea," His lips trembled as he began laying little kisses around her face. "-how much I have missed you. Your voice, fuck- I was so scared." 

Christian let out an unwanted sob, as he felt Rosalie's arms circle around his back, letting his brain fully register the rise and fall of her chest against his.

"I'm here. I'm right here. And I'm not going anywhere." Rosalie croaked out, her throat still feeling a little stratchy, as she had only woken up a few hours prior to Christian's arrival.

Letting Christian have his moment, Rosalie became overwhelmed at everything. Seeing Christian after so long, let alone anything for that time, knowing her Son was only an arms-length out of reach. It was a lot to take in.

"How are you feeling? Have the Doctors been in yet? I should go get someone. You need to be checked- Christian, stop and breathe, please." Rosalie let out a soft chuckle, making Christian stop in an instant.

It had been so long since he heard her laugh, he was afraid he was starting to forget what it sounded like.

"I woke up around four this morning. I'm sore in a lot of places, but I'm alive. That's all I could've hoped for." Rosalie chuckled, receiving a sour look from Christian.

"The doctors have taken their tests. They've explained everything... not that I remember much from after the explosion. I called Dad, he came by after we talked. I thought you would've needed time to get things done with Drew, plus I wanted it to be a surprise when you came in."

Christian just smiled, grateful that the dreadful nightmare had finally came to an end.

"I would've been here in a heartbeat if you called, why- I know. That's why I didn't. For the short conversation I had with my Dad, I could tell this had been rough on you. If you were sleeping, I would've wanted you to rest."

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