~Chapter Twenty One~

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Christian's POV


"Don't tell me you've already told Janine about the wedding, Dear?"

I didn't know whether to kiss Rosalie with gratitide or kill her with no mercy.

Where she was taking this, I had no idea, but the sour face that the news had put onto Janine's face, was priceless.

"You're married?" The sentence within itself was deadily, coming from Janine.

"Two months now. We're very happy, aren't we, Amore?" I smirk, playing the devil at her own game, watching as she draws in a sharp breath, as my hand discreetly dances up her thigh.

I look to Janine from over Rosalie's shoulder, and it took every ounce of strength within me not to laugh at her face.

She watched us like a baby who had just been told by their parents, they weren't allowed anymore candy.

"Very. June wedding. We had the most amazing time at Porto Rico for our honeymoon. Best day of our lives. Wouldn't you agree, Sweetheart?"

I lean closer to Rosalie, placing a kiss on her bare shoulder, letting my fingers draw lazy patterns over the outside of her thigh, trapping my thumb in one of the belt loops of her jeans.

"Wouldn't have changed a single thing. I'm a very lucky woman." She played her part well, I'd give her that much.

A chuckle nearly escapes my mouth as I feel Rosalie's fingernails dig into the side of my hand in warning.

"I'm the lucky one, my love."

She wanted to play games? Game on.

"I suppose you have pictures of the wedding. I'd love to see them! I bet they are just.. wonderful." Janine's anger was clear through her clenched teeth, but still, she managed to showcase a smile.

I nearly fell through with the plan at hand when she brought up pictures, a sweat threatening to break out on my forehead.

If Rosalie wasn't such a quick thinker, our act would've fell at the seams.

"We hired a private photographer, one of the best in the business. Our pictures from the wedding are still in development, otherwise I would've loved to show you them."

This must've been a gut punch to Janine, knowing what her plans were when we were still together. I may have had a drunken ramble to Rosalie once upon a time.

Everything this woman wanted was dreadful. I am not a man with great touch with these kind of things, but have you ever known a woman who wanted a rainbow themed wedding? It was horrible.

As Rosalie kept on selling our story, her grip had loosened on my hand, giving me free movement to stroke my fingertips over the soft skin of her hipbone under her shirt, edging closer to the waist of her jeans.

I wanted to laugh at the fact her jeans were stuck tight to her legs due to the rain, the recent memory playing on in my head was making it harder to supress my laughter, but the small gasp only I could hear that escaped her pink plump lips, when I softly pinched the skin of her hip, was enough to bring me back to focus.

"Well, I guess I have no further reason being here. I'm sorry for my interuptions." Finally, Janine had grabbed her bag and excused herself, her heels clicking off the ground quicker than any rap song imaginable.

"I-it was nice seeing you again, Janine!" The sour teased tone on Rosalie's voice would've made me laugh, but hearing her words tumble out through hidden gasps of pleasure, kept me in focus.

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