~Chapter Thirty Four~

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Narrator's POV


Within the following month, Christian felt strong enough to return back to work. He felt that the little normality that he had back was going better than he thought it would.

Even though it only had been one month, that time spent doing next to nothing was driving him to the brink of insanity, but when Robert finally asked him to join him on a case, he felt like he had won the lottery.

"Christian, are you sure you're ready to go back to work? Maybe it's too soon. I mean, you're stitches have just barely healed. What if- Rosalie, let the poor man be. I've seen him work under much more harder conditions. I promise I will bring him back to you in one piece."

Robert chuckled as he came through the door, dressed smartly in his uniform, awaiting to tackle the days investigations alongside Christian.

Rosalie gave her Father a side-eye glare in warning, before turning all of her attention to Christian, her hands smoothing out the edges of his suit-coat.

"Are you- Amore, listen to me. I know what happened scared you. It gave me slight fear too, but the surgery was a success, my medication run worked out perfectly fine, and I am okay. This is only an internal investigation, I'll be in the Precinct all afternoon with your Father. Three hours and I'll be back home before you know it."

After what seemed like hours, but in reality was only two minutes, Rosalie frowned and nodded, giving in, knowing she may have been acting a little too over-protective.

"Just be careful, okay?" Rosalie's pleading eyes struck at Christian's heart strings as he just smiled, kissing the top of her head.

"I'll be back before you know it. Just as long as you keep the sofa warm and have the Ben&Jerry's ready." Rosalie let out a giggle before softly kissing Christian's lips, earning a fake gag from Robert.

"Alright kids, I ain't got all day to watch you both canoodle.. let's get a move on." Robert groaned and left the house to start up the car, Christian following not too long after.

Rosalie waved from the doorway, watching as Robert drove off out into the distance. Part of her knew it was the right thing for Christian to get back on his feet, doing the thing he loved most, but a bigger part of her was scared for his wellbeing.

After the car faded from her sights, she headed back inside and closed the door, fending around the house to find something to fill the following three hours.

"So.. what's the investigation we're doing?" Christian asked as he took a sip of the coffee Robert had brought for him, only to receive a small smirk in response.

"We're not going to the Precinct, are we?"

"No, Son. Not today."

Christian sighed and looked over to Robert, who happily drummed his fingers on the steering wheel to the beat of the quiet music that was playing on the radio.

"Rosalie is going to kill you for this when she finds out, you know?"

"What Rosalie doesn't know, won't hurt her."

"In fact, she's going to kill both of us after this. You do realise that, right?"

Robert rolled his eyes at Christian's words and turned up the volume slightly, nodding his head to the rhythm.

"If you live in fear of the wife, you're destined for doom. I learned that with Evelyn."

Christian just sighed and opened the file from the glove compartment. "So what's today's case then?"

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