~Chapter Forty Nine~

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Narrator's POV


"Lenna could see it in his eyes. The lust pooled within them as Emmett discarded the thin nightgown from her body, insuring that not once, did his fingers ever break contact with her smooth skin."

Christian watched as Rosalie's chest rose and fell heavier, as she read to him, making sure to follow every little detail to exact.

"He watched for her every reaction, how her legs spread wider to accomodate his tall frame, gasping once she felt his shoulders creating a barrier between her thighs, to prevent them from depriving him of what he desperately craved."

Rosalie jumped as Christian blew cold air against her heat, noticing how little goosebumps appeared on the apex of her thighs, feeling the need to chuckle as she scooted her body down closer to him.

"Keep reading, Amore. Just remember not to be too loud." Christian warned as he bit down on her inner thigh, ever so closely to where she was yearing to feel him most.

Rosalie composed herself once more as she replaced her eyes onto the page, trying to find the sentence she last spoke.

"U-umm, where- okay. Emmett saw how much Lenna wanted it... needed it almost. After so long of fighting ever fibre in her body not to give in to the man she despised most in this fucked up world, she couldn't deny it, or herself, much longer."

Christian couldn't hide his chuckle this time. "Are you sure you didn't write this book?"

Rosalie's frustation was beginning to reach the boiling point, her body growing hotter by the second, knowing he was just one little scoot further away. But she was determined she wasn't going to loose this time.

"Shut up and let me focus." She snapped, gripping the book tighter between her fingers, her knuckles turning white.

" 'Do you know how long I have waited for you? To be with you, to learn everything about you, to make you happy, yet drive you as crazy, as you have, me?' He asks, waiting to just before she attempts to respond before his lips form around her clit, stealing the breath away from Lenna, making her loose her sense to form wo- fuck!"

Rosalie gasps and looks under the book, only to find Christian staring back at her, holding her legs further back under her knees, breaking contact once again as she stopped reading.

"Every time you stop reading, so do I." Christian sings in a playful tone, rubbing his thumbs gently over her thighs, sending a devious smirk her way.

Rosalie wanted to scream in frustation, to throw the book away and take what she wanted, but she knew it wouldn't get her anywhere. Instead, she brought the book back up and continued reading to the best of her clouded ability.

"-To form words, as the immense pleasure takes over her body. She called out his name, tangling her fingers in his brown locks, fearful at any given minute, that this wonderful feeling would dwindle."

Rosalie didn't even register it, as she to, followed Lenna's actions, threading her fingers through Christian's hair at the back of his head, hoping if she stopped again, it wouldn't stop Christian from following through as Emmett did for Lenna.

"It wasn't long before she felt it. The waves crashing and burning, spiraling out of control. The fire building in her belly as every s-second passed her by, as Emmett grew stronger, his grip becoming tighter, wanting, needing, waiting for the m-moment- shit- for the moment Lenna gave herself to him, completely. Fuck! Christian!"

Rosalie lost it. The book fell from her hand onto the bed, allowing her the freedom to grab onto his shoulders with both hands, as her back arched off of the bed, growing dizzy as the feeling of her body coiling up so tight before she was finally granted the prize she longed for, ever since she began reading that one single page.

"Fucking hell..." She heard Christian grumble, as he pulled away slowly. "What a mess you have made, my sweet Rose."

Rosalie looked up with confusion, only for her eyes to widen at the reality set in front of her. She had indeed made a mess, over Christian, his hand and the sheets, which quickly became soaked through beneath her.

"Did I- I didn't- did that just happen?" Rosalie asked wide-eyed, her mouth laying open in a O shape. "I think it just did."

Christian chuckled as he crawled up over Rosalie's body, pulling her leg up to hook around his waist, as he settled himself between her thighs. "Think you can give me another, Amore?"

A sudden fear grew in Rosalie. What she had just experience for the first time, left her body spent and shaking in ways, she never believed was possible. And to expect a second, was descending down the list of Rosalie's imposibilities.

"I- I don't know.. I don't think-" Christian cut off her words with his lips taking ownership of hers deeply, as he postioned himself at her entrance.

"Don't think." He breathed out, as he sheathed himself within her walls, claiming her for his own. "Just feel." He grunted as he bottomed out, wrapping his arms under her back to keep her as close to him as possible.

"W-what about the book?"

"Fuck the goddamn book."

Their bodies danced together, slowly at first, letting Rosalie grow used to the familiar feeling, before a wave of his own powered Christian, deepening his strokes, letting his hands explore every inch of her body that he could reach.

"C-Christian!" Rosalie whimpered, as her head fell back onto the pillow, her eyes struggling to stay open. "I know, baby. Feels so good, doesn't it?"

He watched her. Taking in everything. How her face showed her pleasure, how she held onto him tightly, how her stomach tightened and released over and over again, unable to do anything else.

A string of profanities left Rosalie's lips as she felt that coil tighten once more, even more than the last, as she listened to Christian whisper dirty sweet nothings into her ear. Christian moaned, burying his face into the crook of Rosalie's neck, the feeling of her around him becoming to much to bare, as they both chased their final high of the night together.

Christian stilled for a moment, allowing Rosalie's body to rest before he withdrew himself slowly, both spent, as he dropped down beside her. They both lay side by side, too exhausted to move as they stared at the ceiling, not a sound to be heard except their heavy breathing.

They lay for a moment before Christian made the move to the bathroom, letting the water run to fill the bath before he proceeded to find a small towel and dampened it with cold water before returning back to Rosalie, cleaning up the mess between her legs and used a second towel to dab over her face.

"Take as much time as you need. I'll run you a bath and check up on Drew. I love you." Christian mumbled with a happy grin, kissing her lips once more before he threw on a pair of shorts to tend to Drew.

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