~Chapter Twenty Two~

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Rosalie's POV


'I love you, Rosalie.'

'I love you, Rosalie.'

'I love you, Rosalie.'

A pile of papers got slammed on my desk, snapping me out of my trance, as I look up to find my Father hovering above me.

"Got a few new cases in. Think you can tackle these?" His award-winning smile holding so much proudness and hope, had me agreeing instantly.

I had avoided Christian at all costs since the night we spent together, his words unable to escape my mind.

And by avoiding, I mean that after his words had registered in my brain, I had hopped off the ride, grabbed my belongings and bolted out the door before he could even open his mouth.

And to my luck, he hadn't shown up to the Precinct yet.

"I'll be right on it." I nod, quickly sorting the files in alphabetical order.

"You alright, kiddo? You look pale." My Father's hard Police act, quickly turned into a worried parent facade as he rested his palm against my forehead.

I chuckle and grasp his hand, nodding my head.

"I'm fine, Dad. Just a little under the weather."

He leans down to kiss my head and pats my shoulder. "If you need anything, just let me know."

I nod in response again, and he excuses himself to another colleague who had questions about one of the cases at hand.

Shaking my thoughts out of the way, I open the first case and quickly file it into the system, taking notes of my own.

The first two cases where a simple questioning the suspects had still to go under, although the third, came to be very familiar.

Looking around to see where my Father had stood, I make sure he wasn't looking before I opened the file, my breath catching in my throat.

There was no way he had intentionally meant to hand me this.

As I pull away the first sheet of information, five laminated pictures slid out from the file, making me slam it shut.

My hand slaps over my mouth, as I run to the bathroom as calmly as possible.

My stomach was churning, like someone had slammed their fists so hard to my gut, that my insides where going to come out.


I didn't have time to check who had called out to me, as I ran into one of the bathroom stalls, and made good timing.

As soon as I move my hand, this mornings breakfast made a reappearance in a much less appetising form.

Soon there was a figure stood behind me, moving my hair out of my face, as I felt a hand rub over my back.

"It's okay. Let it all out, Amore."

Heavy footsteps echoed throughout the hallway as the door slammed open. "Rosalie?! Where are you, Sweetheart?!"

The sound of my Father's voice shouted aloud, Christian quickly calling his name after.

"She's in here, Rob!"

I couldn't breathe. The images of my Mother flashed inside my head, her body laying there on those pictures.

My mouth lay open but nothing could escape.

"Rosalie, you need to breathe." Christian's stern voice drifted into my ear but his words didn't register, as I failed to catch a breath.

"I'm so sorry, Sweetheart. You were never suppose to see those."

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