~Chapter Twenty Five~

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Narrator's POV


As Christian sped home with his newly found discovery, his heart raced faster every second he grew closer to home.

Although he was somewhat saddened for Rosalie, knowing what was coming, but he felt the biggest weight being lifted off his shoulders.

Everything was there, waiting to be put right.

He barely had the car in park before he was rushing up into Rosalie's house, not giving a damn whether Garrett was there.

Christian hoped he was there.

He wanted to tear Garrett apart, show him what it meant to be a man, show him how Rosalie deserved to be treated. Not like he ever did.

His heart raced as he ran up to the door, twisting the handle and barging through the door.

"Rosalie?! Rosalie! There's something i-"

Everything stopped.

Every sound turned into silence.

It was so quiet, you could hear a pin drop.


Their eyes met, the betrayal filling Christian's senses, as he watches Rosalie wrap her arms around Garrett.

"W-what.. Rose... you.." His words couldn't form. The air from his lungs felt like it was being ripped out from his chest.

"How could you?" He whispered out, heart broken.

Rosalie bit her inner cheek to keep her tears at bay, knowing it was the right decision to make.

"I've came to realise, I was wrong Christian. I was wrong about us, and I was wrong about Garrett and I."

It felt like someone had punctured a knife and twisted it in his heart. This wasn't the Rosalie he knew.

"After everything... everything, and this is how you decide to betray not only me... but yourself."

Rosalie knew that was a low blow, but she had no choice. She knew this was the right decision to take.

"Sorry man.. I guess when true love avails, all our roads lead back to one and other."

Christian's hand formed in a tight fist as he watched Garrett kiss Rosalie's cheek, his eyes slowly drawing to Rosalie's.

Something felt wrong.

Her eyes watered, her breathing unstable, the look she gave in her eyes to Christian.

Something told him this wasn't right.

"Very well then. But I'll tell you one thing right now. You better treat her like the queen that she is. You give her the love and respect she deserves, and I will tell you right now... if you ever hurt her, so much she ever sheds a single tear... I promise you, I will make you pay."

He drew his eyes from Rosalie, staring deadly into Garrett, before he looked down.

He didn't want to believe it, and if it wasn't for the small movement from Rosalie, he would have no choice but to believe what was right in front of him.

Her palm lay open by her side, before she cross her thumb inwards, closing the rest of her fingers down.

Rosalie was scared to move an inch.

The grip on her arm was a warning in itself, but if he thought that wouldn't work, surely the tip of a four inch blade against the bottom of her spine would do the trick.

"Oh don't worry. I will take very good care of her. I think it's time you should go."

Christian's eyes met Rosalie's once again, and the urgent pleading look wasn't about to go unnoticed.

He nodded and took a step back and turned to the door, taking slow small steps, while his left hand discreetly reached for the hidden gun on his hip.

As soon as he whipped around, Rosalie let our a screech of fear. Christian's eyes widened as Garrett took matters into his own hands, positioning the blade across her throat, digging it ever so slightly into her skin.

"Put the gun down! I swear, put it down or you can watch me kill her, right in front of your eyes."

The whimper of pain that escaped Rosalie was enough to make Christian submit. He put the safety on and sat it on the floor, giving Garrett piece of mind.

He didn't know which tactics to play, and maybe it was risky, but being a smart ass has kept both him and Rosalie alive thus far, so he thought why not give that a go.

"So your taking the corwards way out, hmm. That's not surprising." Christian remained calm and slid the gun to the left with his foot to keep it out of reach.

"Cowards way out? What the hell are you on about?"

Christian casually leaned against the table, and pulled out a copy of the file he had on Garrett. Crossing his arms over his broad chest, a smirk resting on his face.

"Well you took the cowards way five years ago with Rosalie, didn't you? Does the name Monroe... ring any bells for you, Garrett?"

Rosalie's face turned confused.

Garrett's face turned pale white in realisation.

Christian's face lit up with a look that said "got your ass now, bitch."

He saw that with revealing the secret, Garrett's act faltered. His arms fell from Rosalie's, and his hand fell.

Christian wasted no time to use Garrett's weakness and dive for his gun, blowing a bullet into his kneecap.

Garrett crumbled to the ground, and screamed in pain. Rosalie let out a sob, and rushed into Christian's awaiting arms.

"Shh I've got you, Amore. You're safe now." He held her head to his chest, kissing her temple ever so softly.

"W-why are you saying all of this now, Christian?" Her bottom lip trembled as he carresed her cheek with his hand.

"I have been working with Claire- Claire knows about this?!" Rosalie had enough.

She ripped Christian's hand away from her, and backed herself up into the corner of the room.

Christian had to remind himself that this wasn't about him, this was about Rosalie. He had to be careful.

"I didn't tell you before, because I didn't want my suspicions to be wrong and have you hate me for interferring. Claire only knows about this because I used her database system to get what I needed, and I made her swear not to say a word."

Christian grabbed her arm gently, intwining his fingers through hers.

"I promise you, I will explain everything you want to know when we get home." Christian looked back to Garrett and saw he was loosing blood, and fast. So he called it into the station.

"Officer Harding, calling from 43 Bleeker Street. I have a 10-71, white male, mid 40's, subcalling a code 1." Rosalie shook her head at the code 1, as Christian had just told the Officers to attend at their convienent time.

"Seriously Christian?!" Rosalie's voice cracked as she swung her hand at his arm, making him roll his eyes. "Subcalling a code 2, stat."

He disconnected his radio and dragged Rosalie out of the house. Even with a lot of protest, he managed to pull Rosalie into the car.

"Ambulance are on the next street round the corner. It's a knee shot, it's not like he will bleed out."

Opening the car for Rosalie, he gently shoved her into the seat and got into the drivers side, leading them both home to Christian's house.

"You are telling me everything. Do you hear me?" Rosalie shouted, smacking Christian's forearm, tears still streaming down her face.

"Everything. Scouts honor. Now," Christian cut a corner and drove down the long road that led back to his house, reaching for the glove compartment and brought out a white paper bag.

"Care for a donut?"

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