~Chapter Nineteen~

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Rosalie's POV


The playful glint in Christian's eyes was enought to make me nervous yet, very excited.

We stepped out of the car, Christian came running to my side, holding the door ajar before crouching down.

"Christian, what are you-" I pause when my eye catches a glimpse of something shining through the darkness, as he slides what feels like to be part of a garter, the cool metal cooling down the hot skin of my inner thigh.

I feel his lips press an open-mouthed kiss under the lace of my panties that rested off my hipbones, making me shudder. He stood up to full height and closed the door.

"One last thing." He tucked my hair behind my ear, placing some sort of bud to my ear, which I could only assume it was a earpiece so I could hear him inside. Moving my hair back in place, he held his arm out.

"Ready, Amore?" He smirked and I just rolled my eyes, hooking my arm around his, using the fake VIP passes to gain instant access, saving time as there were way over 70 people still waiting in line.

Even with the people outside, the club seemed to be packed full of dancing bodies. It was going to be hard to find him.

Christian kept a hold of my hand and tugged me behind him, walking to the open bar. "Two virgin Bloody Mary's, please."

It was wise for Christian to stay away from alcohol tonight... we didn't need a repeat of last night.

"So what's your move?" I ask, sipping on the bloody mary, the bitterness of the spices invading my taste buds.

"Scope out the club layout, find where this guy's office is. See if I can find what he's hiding. You, however, have the easy job of keeping our guy entertained and buy me some time."

Buy him time? On it.

I grab his glass before he could take a drink and requested a shot of vodka, pouring it into the Bloody Mary.

Sending him a wink, when he just looks at me with a "what the fuck" expression, I make my way over to the VIP booth, to where Kade Wesley sat with a woman on each arm.

"Care for a drink, Mr Wesley?" I put on a sickenly sweet voice on, smiling in his direction, as the barely dressed whore's who sat at either side of him sent me a glare.

This man could clearly be in his late fifties, living life with all these young women at his sides, his grey hair quickly overpowering the blondes.

"Are you blind, bitch? You can clearly see- Ladies, ladies. Please. There's plenty of me to go around later. How about you two go get yourselves a drink?"

Kade swooned the two girls as he passed them a gold plated card, keeping his eyes connected with Rosalie's. The girls beside him quickly grew quiet and smirked at each other, wasting no time running off to the bar with it.

"Please, have a seat." Kade smirked and nodded to the space beside him, offering the drink to his hand, to which he accepted.

"So what do I owe the pleasure of having a beautiful woman such as yourself, buying me a drink?"

His arm wrapped over the back of the seat behind me, scooting his body closer.

"A little birdy told me, you were the man to come to if I needed..." I leaned into the man's ear, spotting Christian over at the bar with clenched fists, letting my tongue trace the outer line of his ear. "A quick fix."

"Way to be subtle, Amore." I couldn't help but smirk at his tone when his voice echoed in her ear. Oh how I loved to tease this man.

Kade let out a grunt of pleasement, making Christian roll his eyes, the little speaker picking up every syllable so clearly.

"So what do you say?" I flashed a bright smile, resting one of my legs over his, sliding my hand over his exposed chest.

Even though this was just for the job, I wanted to raise that fire burning within Christian, loving knowing how it was bringing a reaction out of him.

Kade raised to his feet and excused himself from his peers, leading me by the hand to what I assumed was his office.

I cleared my throat, making Christian look around. His teeth clenched in anger at the smirk I sent him, the sight of me walking away with another man, clearly fueling his anger.

Christian had walked around the other side of the club, as Kade led us to his office, stupidly excusing his bodygaurds from the door, not realising sooner or later, he probably would've needed them.

He found the back door to the office, understanding it had two entry-ways, smirking to himself when he found it unlocked, and hid between the door itself and the curtain separating the room.

"Although I'm not sure who told you about this, it comes with a price to pay." Christian rolled his eyes at how desperate the man sounded. Trying to come off seductively for him, sounded like a dying cat.


Christian peeked through the curtain and watched as I positioned Kade against the desk so it hid Christian from his sights.

As Kade's hands slowly made their way up my dress, tucking a small plastic bag into the cup of my bra, Christian came in quick, and with one quick blow to the back of the neck, Kade was out like a light, sleeping like a little baby.

"Asshole." He huffed and darted his angry eyes at me.

"What?" I exclaimed, raising my hands in the air. It worked, didn't it?

Christian ignored me, and sat at the desk, raiding through his computer files to retrieve some sort of evidence that he had sent ahead for the drugs in question.

Once he found the email regarding the drugs, he printed off a copy, folding it into his pocket and stood to approach me.

Pinning me to the wall single-handedly by the neck, I gasp as his eyes bore into mine. Casually reaching into my bra, he pulled the little pouch from my breast, tossing it onto the desk.

"Thanks for the heads up, Partner." His tone was bitter, it was now my turn to smirk in amusement.

"Aww was my Chrissy boo getting jealous?" I was testing the waters, and it was sure to end up in a tsunami, but I was willing to play that game.

Christian pulled out the testing device that Claire gave him from the Precinct Lab, placing a pinch of both substances, revealing that it was indeed the same drugs that killed the victim from the case.

He called it in and passsed the evidence over to the Police, before putting his attention to all on me.

"We're leaving."

Christian grabbed me by the arm and pulled me out from the club.

"Where are we going?"

With a sharp tone, all he said in response was:


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