~Chapter Thirty Five~

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Narrator's POV


"Mr Wilkinson, do you understand why you are here?" Rosalie asked, as she stared at the man in front of her. His grey hairs truly showed his age of 56, as did the wrinkled skin beside both of his eyes.

"I believe I do." His answer was kept short. Rosalie and Christian found Fredrick to be oddly calm, considering the fact he was arrested for the murder of multiple women.

They both gave a side-eye look to each other, confused as to whether they had just gotten a straight confession from this man.

"Over the past few months, given to a year, there has been a raise of concern with your name." Christian slid over a sheet of paper, with the contents of every one of the forty-six names in alphabetical order.

"Do you recognise any of these women?" Alongside the name list, Rosalie slid over another three sheets, each containing small square pictures of each woman that was allegedly killed by this man.

Fredrick single-handedly picked up the first sheet of pictures, a sickening smirk tugging at the edge of his lips.

"Some look familiar."

He laid the picture back down, pushing the paper further over to Christian, tapping his index finger upon the picture of the youngest out of the forty-six.

"This one I remember... pretty well."

The tone of voice he used was alarming, it made Rosalie uncomfortable at the look on his face when he eyed the picture of the young girl, feared that her mind would lead her into thinking what monstrous things this man could have done to her.

"She kind of looks like you, Detective..." Fredrick paused, leaning over the table of pictures to get a closer look of Rosalie's name tag. "Dawson."

His smirk widened as his eyes lingered with hunger, only to send a burning anger within Christian, causing him to stand up, almost throwing himself over the table towards Fredrick.

"You son of a- Guards!" Rosalie immediately grabbed onto the back of Christian's shirt, pulling him back from the table with all of her strength, as two stand-by guards rushed into the interrogation room, grabbing Fredrick under his arms to remove him from the steel chair.

"Please take Mister Wilkinson down to the underground cell-base. He will need further questioning but we have no reason to believe, that he doesn't deny the evidence." Rosalie nodded to the remaining guard before they escorted Fredrick out of the room, his laughter echoing through the hallways.

Rosalie returned her attention to Christian, placing a comforting hand on Christian's back. "Are you okay?"

Christian simply nodded and took one of Rosalie's hands into his. "Yeah... let's just go home. We're done here for today."

Rosalie squeezed his hand and rubbed his arm softly, trying to give him some sense of comfort.

"You still didn't answer my question, Christian. You are still off duty for another 3 weeks. Why were you working on my case behind my back?"

Rosalie wasn't about to let Christian escape the question. She had firmly told him to follow doctors orders until he was completely ready to return to work.

"I couldn't sit at home doing nothing and think about what could be going on out there without me being there, Rose. It was driving me crazy." He admitted.

The way Christian caught that man looking at Rosalie, he didn't like it one bit. Even the simplest thought of what could've happened if he wasn't there...

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