~Chapter Twelve~

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Rosalie's POV


Pulling up onto the scene we were called into, the atmosphere settled in like quicksand.

Our case was dealing with the murder of a 25 year old woman, enclosed in a one bedroom, stand-alone apartment.

Luckily the fire services were called and arrived on scene in record timing. They were able to shut down the fire with a fast act.

I slipped on protective gloves and a safety mask, once given the all clear from the firemen and firewomen, Christian and I had carefully walked inside the building.

Christian had took the first step forward and greeted the officer who was currently noting down key information that would help the police on their side.

"Good morning, Officer. I'm Detective Harding, and this is my partner, Detective Dawson. Has there been any progress on the report?"

I analysed how quick Christian was able to transition from dick-mode to professionalism.

I'll give him a high score for that.

"Yes. My colleague has just finished a full speculation. We've came to a conclusion on how the fire started. With great care on our speculation, it seems the fire was started purposely. A match box was found on scene, nearby the door."

As the officer held out his glove covered hand, he revealed the half-burnt box of matches. I carefully took it from his hand and inspected it more closely.

Reaching into my equipment bag, I pull out a small zip lock polly case and seal the match box inside, saving it for evidence.

"34, Female, goes by the name of Allie Jenkins." He passed over an ID card, to which Christian grabbed hold of before I could.

"If we find any more evidence related to our case, we will be sure to hand it over to your team, after we take blue-light samples." The Officer had noted before he returned to his colleague to continue the investigation.

"Do you recognise the victim?" I ask, turning to Christian, who was still inspecting the ID.

"From a past interception." He bluntly stated, making me squint at his tone.

"You slept with her, didn't you?" I roll my eyes as he started smirking. "She was high on my booty-call list. Shame."

"Could you be any less professional?" I huff and walk past him, placing the ID in a separate zip bag and placed it into my case before I started my analysis around the area where the fire started.

Entering the bedroom, three men dressed in white protective suits were already starting their side of the investigation. I walked over to the side of the bed where the victim lay and brought out my notepad, detailing her injuries before taking photographic evidence for the report.

"It seems she was attacked by the strangulation marks around her neck. I don't know.. maybe some old rope? Burn marks I presume. That rules out self-foul."

I take more notes on the sights in front of me, watching from the corner of my eye as Christian nears further to the victim.

"From the skin on her fingertips and the wearing of the rope, it looks like she was struggling to remove it from her neck. Looks like we have a murder on our hands, Detective." Christian stood with a proud smile, like he had just debunked Einstein's hardest equation.

"Well done. Welcome to the party of 'we already figured that out'." I shake my head and take any further evidence for the forensic team.

"So what's our next move?" Christian asks as we both make our way back outside the building, letting the police continue their jobs.

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