~Chapter Fourteen~

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Rosalie's POV


"You can be my good girl, can't you?"

He had a way with his words.

Everything felt magnified when I was with him.

I breathed out slowly, the sight I had with him between my legs was enough to build me up to a quick crash and burn. But feeling his body control mine, blinded to his movements,

"I expect an answer, Rosalie." He demanded, his teeth almost piercing the flesh of my neck, making me quiver.

"Y-yes. I'll be good!" I rushed out, just wishing, hoping he would follow through.

One part of me was screaming, telling me it was a bad idea, that I should stop before we went to far.

Yet the other.. was telling me to let all guards down and drown in him.

I thought with Garrett, my dry spell would never end, but with Christian... it was so much more. It was a never ending waterfall.

Before my senses could talk me out of it, they were distracted as Christian's hands flowed up the sides off my thighs until they found my hips, pressing my backside against him.

My eyes closed in pleasure, as I felt him bare against my heat, my legs spreading just that little more like they had a mind of their own.

I couldn't remember the last time I had this much pleasure, and he hadn't even made it inside of me yet.

But too soon to talk, I felt his shaft press forward, sinking into the deepest parts of me, painfully slow.

For the first time in a long time, the pleasure spread across my body like wildfire, giving me the greatest feeling I had longed to have since what felt like forever.

Christian let out a deep groan, I felt his hands squeeze my hips, keeping me in place as he withdrew, only to push back in, slower than he did the first time.

"Please, Christian." I begged, wanting to feel him the same way I did like the last time.

"Patience, Amore. Just let me have this. Let us..have this." He grunted, wrapping his arms around my waist, which pulled me up against his broad chest.

His thighs were pressed together firmly against mine, my back on the hot skin of his chest, so that I could feel the rhythm of his breathing.

He stilled for a moment, and I felt his lips caress my shoulder, before they landed at my ear.

"Did you miss this as much as I did, Amore? Because trust me, it is taking everything in me, not to pin you down on this bed, and remind you of every single day we had, all them years ago.. how you felt around me, how you screamed my name like it was your own secret dirty prayer... did you miss me?"

My breathing deepend at his words. He always had such a way with saying those things to me. It drove me crazy.

"Yes." I breathe out, my head falling back on his shoulder as my hands rested upon his, which were making their own pathway to my breasts, cupping and squeezing to their own liking.

"Then show me." His hips grinded up once, filling me deeper. I whimpered at how full I felt, not missing a single beat of his movements as he began to pull his hips back, making me push my hips down, keeping him buried inside me.

"That's my girl. Fuck, I missed you, Rosalie." His arm wrapped around my waist as the other wrapped over my chest, locking my body in his hold, as he leveled our movements to where he could thrust into me freely.

Every pump of his length, made me gasp like a fish jumping out of water. He kept our tempo slow, almost as if he was teasing me, testing my patience.

And if that was his goal, he fucking accomplished it.

I moaned in frustration, taking matters into my own hands and gripped onto his hips for steadiness, letting my body dance against his.

His hands found my hips once again, matching my moves with his own as he finally began to thrust his thick rod deeper within my walls.

"Harder..p-please." I moan in bliss as he complies with my words, needing to feel him in every part of me

He's been the only man I've been with who knew the difference between harder and faster. And let me say, he truly exceeds in both.

We climbed to the edge together, building up our friction so highly that it was just too hard to hold back.

"Christian!" I gasp warningly, and he stopped immediately, making me whine in protest.

"Not like this." He pants, and my body was lifted from the mattress, one of his arms turning me by my waist, flipping me onto my back.

Almost as quickly as he left, he was back inside of me, settling deeply between my legs as he leaned down on his arms, a single hand taking a grip around my throat.

"I was lying before. This was what you truly needed, didn't you? When I was filling your sweet pussy with my fingers, that wasn't what you wanted, was it, hmm?"

His eyes pierced mine, my core shook at his words, my hands gripping onto his sides as I felt his thumbs place pressure behind my windpipes, sending a dizzy spell over me.

"N-no. Oh mm- fuck!" I didn't know what I was saying. All of these strings off profanities left my mouth and didn't make sense at all.

My mind was in a blur of pleasure, just the simplest touch from this man above me, was enough to cause me to loose all train of thought.

"Tell me, Rose." He demanded in such a dominant tone that had me powering to the almighty high.

"T-this. This is what I needed. All of you!" I shamelessly admit, as tears of pleasure sprung from my eyes. I felt his hand wither from my throat and cup my cheek, as he rested his forehead against me.

"I need you too, Rose." The look of purity in his eyes as he said that, played at my heart strings.

With a single glance at my lips, his crashed upon mine, painfully sweet. His teeth nipped at my lower lip, his hips not faulting him once as he pushed me closer to that final drop.

"I can feel you, Amore. Give it all to me." His words were demanding, yet his tone faltered into pure need and desire.

"Oh, Christian!" I moaned a final time as I exploded around him, my orgasm shaking my full body, with his following not long after mine.

"Fuck, Rose!" He grunted, riding us both out as he slowly pumped in and out of me, before coming to a great end, resting his body on mine.

We both laid there, panting in the silence, for what felt like hours. Just listening to each others breathing.

Eventually Christian had slipped from my heat, resting his body back down next to mine. His hand curled under my leg, pulling it over his waist, our chests still rising and falling rapidly.

"I don't know how I've went the last five years without you." Christian admitted with a soft chuckle.

"Makes two of us." I whisper truthfully, guilt seeping in slowly.

But before I could let it sink any further, Christian's phone buzzed on the side table, catching both our attentions.

Has he reached his hand back and pulled the screen in front of both our faces, and my eyebrows raise in speculation.

"Looks like we have our first suspect to interview."

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