~Chapter Seven~

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Narrator's POV


Rosalie hadn't slept a wink all night. The bags and redness around her strained eyes were enough to prove that.

She kept staring at that single strand of hair until the darkness settled in, blinding the hair from her eyesight.

Her stomach churned everytime Garrett stirred in his sleep. She felt her skin crawl, wanting nothing more than to disappear into thin air.

Garrett's alarm echoed in her ears as she came to a realisation that it was turning 5AM.

She quickly closed her eyes, pretending she had been asleep, secretly peeking out of a small opened eye, watching as the man next to etched his arms from around her, attempting to make it unoticable that he was sneaking out of bed.

Rosalie found it strange why he was always awake that early, religiously every day, as his work-day never started until 9AM, and his workplace was only a 5 minute drive along the road.

But she never questioned Garrett. She didn't think she needed to.

Deep down she knew... but she wasn't ready to admit it to herself.

Not yet.

She waited until she heard his footsteps decend down the staircase, and the roar of his engine echo along the driveway before she stood up out of bed, wrapping her arms around herself as she walked over to her bedroom window.

She watched as Garrett carelessly chucked his briefcase onto the passenger seat and reverse the vehicle out of the gates faster than you could say "spaghetti".

Before the intrusive thoughts could begin, her attention was brought to her lit phone screen.

Message From: The Devil
Text: Are you awake, Amore?

She couldn't help the small smile that itched at the corner of her lips, replying a few seconds later.

Message To: The Devil
Text: Missing me already, are you?

She couldn't help but chuckle, watching as the typing bubble appeared almost instantly.

Message From: The Devil
Text: Every second you're not with me.

Her breath caught in her throat, confused as to how this man was able to have such great affect over her, even with the simpliest words through a screen.

Message To: The Devil
Text: You seem to have such an obsession. Should I be worried, Mr Harding?

She laughed quietly at her own response, her feet mindlessly guiding her back to her bed, sitting comfortably with her legs criss-crossed together.

Message From: The Devil
Text: Very much so, Miss Dawson. But never fear, I shall reassure you, that it is a very good thing.

Her brows furrowed together as she picked up on how he used her maiden name, but nonetheless, chose not to comment on his choice of words, as her fingers tapped over her screen to respond.

Message To: The Devil
Text: So, what do I owe the pleasure of such an early greeting?

Message From: The Devil
Text: Care to join me for breakfast, Amore? Of course, after you change out of those cute little flower shorts of yours. After all, I didn't receive a "fuck off" text from you yet.

Her eyes glanced down to her lower half, her eyes widening as she saw the exact description of shorts that was on her body.

Like a flash, she jumped from her bed and over to the window, opening her balcony door to be greeted with the smirking man, standing a few feet from her front door.

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