~Chapter Fifty Two~

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Narrator's POV


Silence. It was all that rang through Christian's ears over the following three weeks. He barely ate, slept, he couldn't even find the motivation to shower since the weekend.

Leaders at the Precinct all couped up together to distrbute a land-wide investigation search in hopes to find Rosalie, but every time Christian looked at his phone for updates, his hope dwindled all over again.

He sat for three weeks, racking his brain to figure out how in the world could she have just disappeared?

The attackers were caught shortly after the first explosion hit by the backup team, who where caught chancing their escape from an undrground tunnel. But luckily, the crew on the scene found the exit loop, capturing them before the had a chance to get out.

With that being said, all numbers that were counted matched up to how many people had been in the warehouse, and they were all taken into custody... it just didn't explain the disappearance of Rosalie.

Day and night, the charred rumble from the remains of the warehouse were throughly searched, but no luck ever came up on finding her.

For the first three days having no progress, the investigator team had brodened their search of a 10-mile radius, where the last furthest piece of the warehouse was found.

Surely she couldn't have been any further out than that.

"Christian, maybe you should go home, get some rest. The team won't stop until we find her. I promise." Robert appeared from behind Christian and patted his back in hopes of giving him some sort of comfort.

"I'm no use at home. I need to find her. Someone knows something. I- Christian. This is just as hard for me as it is for you. But you have your Son waiting at home who's not seen Dad in four days-"

Christian cuts back in. "Nor Mom in three weeks. Robert, I appreciate the concern, but I refuse to leave without bringing his Mother home to him with me."

Christian's voice cracked. He had been set on finding Rosalie since the explosion, he was like a robot, like it was his life mission.

Robert bit back tears as he gave Christian a strong hug, letting him release his emotions until he was content.

"You're not abandoning her if you leave. Think of what Rosalie would want. She would want you to be completely rested and focused, as well as be with your Son. Go home, Christian. Be with Drew, catch up on sleep, and remember to eat something. we'll do rounds around the staff, have set people working on her location and switch over when the nightshifters start. Any changes whatsoever, I will call immediately."

Robert cleared his throat and placed Christian's car keys in his hand. Not giving him a chance to respond, Robert showed Christian to his car and gave him strict clear instruction, to head straight home.

Not that he wanted to, Christian left without a fight and drove home. Parking up his car in the drive, he sat for a minute before his emotions pulled him through.

"Fuck! Fuck! FUCK!" He roared as he hit the steering wheel with his fists, the wheel shaking with every impact. He broke down completely.

He missed her more than words could say, every passing second. He just wanted to know she was alive, safe. It felt like the world was crashing down on him.

After taking a few minutes to collect himself, he looked up to catch Drew through the window. His heart drummed in his chest as he set eyes on his Son for the first time in what felt like forever.

It took him no longer than three seconds to dart out from the car and into the house, racing to his Son who was screaming his head off in a tired frustrated state.

"Is there any news?" Kiara asked as she passed Drew into Christian's arms, his cries soon settling once he had the familiar scent and touch around him.

"Thank you for helping out." Christian spoke an a motionless tone. Kiara looked at him with sympathy and gave a teary-eyed smile. "If you need me to come back at any time at all, call me and I'll be right over."

Christian nodded in response and held Drew tighter to his chest, listening for the sound of the door locking itself before heading upstairs.

"Mama..." Drew sobbed out as he clutched onto Christian's shirt. Tears threatened to spill from his eyes but he remained strong for Drew.

"Mama is gonna be home soon buddy, I promise." Christian couldn't hold back any longer as a tear slipped down his cheek.

Walking into the bedroom, he quickly got Drew changed and dressed for bed before taking him back to his bedroom, where three were meant to be but tonight... there was only two.

Christian lay Drew down in the middle of the bed with pillows to support him from rolling over, and gave him his milk bottle to help him sleep before slipping out into the bathroom for a well-needed shower.

A breath of relief escaped his lips as Christian noticed Drew had fell into a milk-induced coma, ensuring he would be knocked out until morning.

Taking a careful leap in bedside him, Christian laid down on his back, sleep calling his name but his eyes unable to shut.

After an hour of trying to sleep, he gave up, staring into the darkness with only one thought on his mind...

Come back to me, Rose.

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