~Chapter Eighteen~

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Narrator's POV


As the sun shined through the bedroom window, Christian groaned at the brightness that strained his eyes. Shoving a pillow over his head, he turned his face in the opposite direction.

His gaze fell on his nightstand, his eyebrows furrowing together in confusion, not remembering having placing a glass of water and pills there before he went to sleep.

While Christian forced himself out of bed and into a shower to start his day, Rosalie rested at home, her back turned away from Garrett who lay facing the same way. The strong scent of perfume lingering on his clothes, was still as strong as it was when Garrett stumbled in this morning at 4AM, hours after Rosalie had already been home.

If the hair incident wasn't enough to prove Kiara's words, this certainly was.

She couldn't pretend anymore, that the man she was supposed to love, wasn't the man who laid in her bed every night.

She couldn't pretend that it wasn't hurting her.

Quietly as she could, Rosalie led herself out of bed and grabbed her uniform, proceeding to shower and change in the bathroom before she snuck out of the house, wanting to avoid Garrett for the remainder of the day.

Driving herself to the Precinct, she scanned her keycard for entry and walked through the offices to her desk.

Just as she was about to sit down, Christian tumbled through the door, his shirt unbutton at the top, his hair a tussled mess on his head, but combed through enough to make it look like it was styled as such.

The reminder of what Christian had said to her, still lingered on her mind. And she didn't know how to move forward from it.

Avoiding his presence, she got to work, checking up on the reports that she gave to Michael to file, uploading the forensic pictures that Claire had took from the crime scene, and did a background check on the suspects for any previous charges that could help with the case.

She was too engrosed in her filing, that she didn't realised that Christian had been stood behind her.

"Coffee?" He mumbled quietly and placed a hot cup of coffee on her desk, leaning his body on the side.

"Thanks." She hummed in response, sipping on her coffee, avoiding his eyes at all costs.

"I believe, I owe you an apology." Christian cleared his throat, making Rosalie flash her eyes upto him, finally taking in his apperance.

His eyes were dark, probably from the lack of sleep and last nights fiascos at the bar.

"Don't worry about it, Christian- No, I was a mess last night, and it's the last thing you deserve to have to deal with my mess. For that, I'm sorry."

Rosalie smiled in appreciation at his apology. "We'll call it a truce." Christian returned the smile, and sat at his desk behind Rosalie's.

"So Detective, since we shut down yesterday's case, whats the agenda for today?"

Rosalie was about to respond, when her Father, Robert aproached her desk.

"Good job on the Kristnov case, kiddo. I bet your Mother would have been proud of you." She stood to embrace her Father in a hug, a slight tear in her wye at the mention of her late Mother, while Robert reached over and shook Christian's hand.

"Thanks Dad. Michael finished the reports this morning. Guess we're just sitting tight for the next call." Rosalie chuckled, and Robert placed a kiss upon his daughter's head.

"Actually I have another case for you both. Considering you worked so well on the last one, I thought you both could partner up for future cases. Here."

Robert handed Rosalie another file, which she opened and inspected carefully.

"We got a call in just before you arrived. There was one of our men undercover down at a club a few streets down from the Precinct. Some guy, goes by the name of Kade Wesley. He was dealing what we found to be Meth, when claire had it tested. A girl overdosed, and we're still trying to piece together if it was from our guy or not."

Rosalie showed Christian the photo from the scene and he grimaced at the sight.

"Word around says he's throwing another party tonight at the same place. All we need is for you two to go undercover, make him an offer for the drugs, Claire will test it in the bathroom, and if it's a match, bring him in."

It sounded easy enough.

"We good to go?" Robert asked and both Christian and Rosalie nodded. "Remember, you're undercover, so none of your work attire, keep your badges hidden at all times. You'll have a car pick you up at Christian's at 8PM sharp."

Robert bidded them good luck and left to speak to one of the cop's about another case, leaving Christian and Rosalie standing in an akward silence.

"See you at 8?" Christian asked and Rosalie responded with a quick 'yep' before leaving the akward tension.


Eight PM arrived quicker than expected. Christian had arrived in front of Rosalie's place a little earlier than eight, and patiently waited outside, using his own car for the trip.

"I don't see why you have to dress up as such, when you're going to work on a case." Garrett spoke up, as he watched Rosalie stand in front of the mirror in their bedroom, clipping her earrings in place into her lobes.

"Because I'm going to a club, undercover. I need to blend in with everyone else. We've went over this." Rosalie sighed in frustation, the hurt she felt slowly turning into anger.

"Do you really need to wear that though?" Rosalie's eyes flickered up to watch his face turn sour as he looked her up and down like some cheap whore.

Her gut twisted at his expressions, but forced a smile back on her face, not wanting to let her emotions fuck up tonights plans.

"It's not you who's wearing it, therefore it doesn't matter wether you like it or not." She tutted back, finally taking a stand for herself, as Garrett always seemed to do this whenever she made a little effort for herself.

"Of course I like it, babe." He forced a smile and hugged her behind. Rosalie felt her skin crawl at his touch, and not in a good way.

"It's just a bit... too much, do you not think?" He couldn't even try to hide the look of digust from his face, making Rosalie twist out of his arms and grab her clutch bag.

"I'll be late tonight. Don't wait up." With no further words, she carefully walked downstairs. "Rosalie..."

She didn't give him a chance to apologise or make any further comments as she slammed the door closed behind her, walking to the car and through the door that Christian had held open for her.

"Don't mind if I say so myself, but you look fucking gorgeous." He took a grip of her hand to help her set up into the car, a bright red colour flushing over Rosalie's cheeks.

"Thank you, Christian."

Christian quicky got into his side and started up the car once again.

With a clenched jaw, Garrett watched from the bedroom window as Christian laid hands on his wife, watching how Rosalie reacted to his touch.

"Bastard." He mumbled with a jealous tone, his eyes not leaving the car until it drifted out of sight.

With excitement in his eyes, Christian looked to Rosalie, a smile resting on his lips.

"Ready to bust your first drug raid, Amore?"

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