~Chapter Forty Four~

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Narrator's POV


Slowly, the minutes passing turned into days, which turned into weeks, and before anyone could realise it, Drew had turned three months old.

"Heyyy little man. Where's my sweet boy? There he is!" Christian cooed with a wide smile stuck on his face as he hovered his head over Drew's basinet, watching as his little arms and legs kicked out, small smiles etching at the corner of his lips.

Rosalie watched with a warming heart as she cleaned out one of Drew's milk bottles. She couldn't believe how strong their bond had grown in as much little time as four weeks.

"Hey babe... he can hear me right?" Christian's head popped up to show through the divider window between the kitchen and sitting area, making Rosalie chuckle at the question.

"He could hear you in the womb, of course he can hear you now." Christian looked at Rosalie with a sheepish smile before turning his attention back to Drew, who had started squealing at the fact he was no longer receiving his Father's attention.

"Such a drama king. Just like your Mother." Christian shook his head as he carefully lifted Drew into his arms, receiving a scowl from Rosalie.

"Who is the most beautiful, elegant Princess in the world." Christian quickly saved himself, making a kissy face towards Rosalie.

"Nice save, meat heat." Rosalie laughed and looked towards the table at the buzzing phone, lifting it up only to realise it was Christian's.

Her eyes quickly scanned the message, coming to the conclusion that he was avoiding the messages, as the text had read out:

Message From: Birth Giver
Text: Can we please talk about this, Christian? I understand you and your Father have differences, but he's trying to change into a better man for his sons. Everything is a work in progress if you give in the work. I'm still trying, you know what your Father and I have went through all of those years. Dale has even broken the ice and is willing to mend things. Why can't you? We want to be there for you and Rosalie and we hope to have that chance to get to know our Grandson.

"You're still not talking to your Mother?" Rosalie raised an eyebrow at Christian, to which he just sighed and focused his attention on Drew.

"I have no reason to. She made her choice. So did Dale. I'm not interested."

Rosalie sat down the phone and turned her body to face Christian, watching as he stared at Drew, rubbing the soft skin of his hand with a thumb.

"I can't, Rose. They can't just expect to pop up back into my life after everything they did just because I have a son. They weren't there before, they can't just decide to be here now."

Seeing as Drew was content enough, Christian laid him back down into his basinet and gave him a pacifer to tide him over until his feeding time was due.

"Have you even talked to Dale to see where he's standing in all of this?" Christian just shook his head and laid back against the sofa, closing his eyes as Rosalie ran her hand through his messy hair.

"Dale still talks to my Mother. What I don't know if he is giving that piece of shit the time of day to spurt out anymore lies that he will believe."

Rosalie thought for a moment, before proposing her idea.

"Why don't you meet up with Dale, and have a sit down? Maybe dinner, or you could take him to the new club opening downtown next weekend? Find out what John has told him about the company, why he wanted to give out in the first place. We already know about his drug and gambling addiction, but for a few grand? It doesn't make sense why he gave it up so easily when the company is worth a lot more."

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