~Chapter Forty Three~

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Narrator's POV


After Christian did a quick double check on Drew, he connected up the baby cam and set it on the nightstand next to Drew's crib so he could still keep watch over him while he attended to Rosalie.

With quiet footsteps, Christian backed out of the room and closed the door over slightly, leaving it ajar before making a short journey two doors down to the bathroom, where Rosalie had just begun to remove her shirt.

Knowing Christian was stood behind her, she quickly pulled the material back down her body, nibbling her lips as a million thoughts soared through her mind.

Christian frowned at the action, watching the sadened face of Rosalie through the mirror. "I'm sorry, I- for why are you apologising, Amore?"

He cut Rosalie off mid-sentence. She stood silent for a few moments, before shrugging, her fingers playing with the hem of her shirt.

Christian took two steps forward, before circling his arms around Rosalie's waist, where he felt her breathe in slightly, making him more upset than angry.

"Look at me." He whispered, waiting for Rosalie to look up at him through the mirror. "You are no different to me before giving birth, Rose. I know everything must be a lot for you to process, and it will be for a while. But never doubt your beauty, because in my eyes, that will never cease to amaze me."

Rosalie closed her eyes as she felt Christian's lips softly carress her own, his hands cupping her face ever so lovingly like a glass vase, scared she might break any second.

As their lips parted, their foreheads gently rested against each others, taking in the silent moment together. Only until Christian broke that silence.

"I'll set you a towel at the sink, if you need me for anything, I'll just be downstairs, okay?" He knew she needed time to fully process the last few days events. It was a lot for everyone to take in.

Just as he made the move to leave, as he turned his back to give Rosalie some privacy, a hand shot up, grabbing onto his wrist loosely. "Stay."

Her voice seemed so small, all Christian wanted was to wrap her up in his arms and keep her safe from everything.

"W-will you um.. turn until I get into the tub.. p-please?" Roaslie felt embarrased at how weak she sounded. She didn't want to feel like this, but after going through birth, and seeing how her own body changed in a near instant, she feared that Christian would no longer want her or love her the way he always did.

Without another word, Christian turned his back to her, giving her a few moments of her own to settle into the water. After hearing the quiet swooshing of the water, eventually becoming still, he slowly turned back, undressing himself in a semi-quick manner, before he slid in behind her.

Rosalie sat upright, hugging her legs to her chest as she rested the side of her cheek upon her knees. Christian smiled at the contentness on her face and grabbed a cup from the edge of the tub that they kept there, filling it with the water to slowly pour down her long hair.

"You're hair has gotten thicker." Christian pointed out, making Rosalie smile at the fact he noticed such a small change.

"I got lucky, sometimes it can grow thick, the next day I could go bald, so there's a pre-warning." Rosalie spoke with a small giggle, making Christian grin widely.

"I'm sure I could get used to it... eventually." He teased, receiving a gentle swat to his thigh.

Once Christian made sure Rosalie's hair was fully saturated with the water, he then applied a generous amount of shampoo onto his hand before lathering it up and rubbing it into Rosalie's scalp, giving her a head rub in the process.

"Mm, that feels nice." Rosalie mumbled quietly, closing her eyes as her body became fully relaxed in Christian's hold.

"Don't go falling asleep on me now." Christian joked as he made sure he fully lathered up her hair before rinsing the soap studs out, repeating the process with conditioner, letting his hands fall occasionally to Rosalie's shoulders for a small massage.

"Hmm.. no promises." She laughed quietly before resting her back against Christian's chest, feeling a little more comfortable to let her legs slip out straight, hugging his arms that cirlced around her.

Christian smiled at the fact of Rosalie had forgotten momentarily about her worries, now fully relaxed and comfortable laying in his arms.

"Do we have to get out?" Rosalie spoke out at random, making Christian give a full hearted chuckle.

"Unless you want to turn into a prune then yes. But maybe we can get away with five more minutes."

As a comfortable silence fell between them, Rosalie turned to lay against Christian's chest, her head falling into the crook of his neck as he let out a relaxed sigh, wrapping his arms tightly around her frame.

"Can you believe it?" Rosalie mumbled, her lips softly brushing against the skin of Christian's neck as he brushed his fingers through the curls of her hair, humming in response.

"This, us. We have a son. We are parents. Why is that so crazy to say?"

Christian fell silent for a few seconds, taking in Rosalie's words as he mentally looked back over the past year they had together.

"To think you even attempted to resist me all those months ago. Poor attempt, may I add." He teased as Rosalie rolled her eyes playfully, crossing her arms over Christian's chest so she should look up to him.

"Oh please, you were the one chasing after me like a lost puppy." Rosalie sassed back with a small wink, making Christian shake his head in amusement.

"I woud've chased you until my last breath if I had to." Christian admitted, holding nothing but sincere love in his eyes as he stared into hers, tucking the loose strand of hair behind her ear as his thumb danced along her cheekbone.

"I have loved you for so long, never did I stop. Those five years we spent apart.. never changed a single thing for me. I am only sorry for not making things right before I left."

Rosalie hushed him gently, resting a longing kiss on his lips as he held her that much tighter. "Those years never changed for me neither. I made stupid decisions, but those are what brought us back together. Everything happens for a reason, right?"

Christian gave a small smile, nodding his head in agreement as his eyes carefully scanned over every feature on her face, his heart rapidly beating in his chest.

As they small gap between them grew smaller, the quiet cries from a near afar grew bigger, stopping them in their tracks.

"Dad duties are calling." Rosalie chuckles, as Christian smiles at the title. "Then his Majesty shall wait no longer."

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