~Chapter Four~

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Narrator's POV


Rosalie let out a sigh as she arrived back to her humble abode after what she felt was a long day but in reality was only 2 hours of sitting with the most irritable man in the history of mankind.

A very sexy irritable man.

She scowled herself for her own thoughts, and hung up her coat on the hanger behind the door, before kicking off her heels.

Walking her way bare-footed to the kitchen, she finds Garrett pacing back and forth, one hand ruffling through his now-messy hair, the other gripped onto his phone which was pressed firmly to his ear.

"You know the timing isn't right, I can't-. Listen, once I iron out the details, figure out how I can approach her safely, then we'll deal with it. Please just let me handle this."

Rosalie drew a confused look and edged her way behind the door, watching her footing so she wouldn't startle him.

"Do you trust me?" He asked in a tone that Rosalie has never spoken to her in for such a long time.

The sincerity, the concern. This just made her question who it was he was talking to.

"I'll call you soon." He mumbled a few more words before hanging up the call, just before Rosalie decided to make her presence known.

"Hi honey. I just got home." As Rosalie spoke up, Garrett near jumped out his skin, the worried expression lingering on his face too long for Rosalie to know something was up but quickly avaided it, rushing to give Rosalie a side hug.

"Rosalie, I didn't here you come in. When um- when did you-?" He stuttered in nervousness, wearily sratching the back of his neck as the felt the sweat build up on his skin.

"Only a few moments ago. Listen, I talked to my Father this morning, he wants us to join him and my Mother for dinner tonight. You know, to celebrate that I finally accepted his offer after 2 years."

Rosalie chuckled and wrapped her arms around Garrett's waist, missing the affection that their relationship severely lacked.

"That sounds wonderful, although I have a few...errands I need to run beforehand. Perhaps I could meet you there?"

He couldn't have sounded interested even if he tried.

This stung Rosalie, but kept her emotions well hidden as she slowly released her grip from him.

"Yeah, sure, 'course. Um, we're meeting at 6:30 downtown at Le Plaza." As soon as her grip was loose, Garrett had already stepped away from Rosalie, grabbing his suit jacket from one of the dining chairs, and quickly made his exit from the house.

As Rosalie watched the door slam shut, the last view of him being the back of his head, the familiar sting in her heart began to ache more.

"Pull yourself together, woman." She mumbled to herself before accending upstairs to her bedroom, searching for a less work-attiry dress to change into for the dinner celebration.

She sat in front of her dresser mirror, staring back into her own eyes, feeling like a stranger to this person sat in front of her.

She though after marriage, this was meant to be the prime years, only to find out it was puffy eye bags and... grey hairs?

Her eyes widened in horror as she fished out a single strand of grey hair nestled between her golden brown ones.

"Why me?!" She whined, letting her head slam softly onto her dresser.

Just before she could have a breakdown for the 100th time that week, a ding echoed from her phone. Her eyebrows furrowed as she looked at the unknown number, tapping on her screen to unlock and view the message.

"Your carriage awaits, Amore."

Amore... who was the only person in the world to call her that?

Her tears dried quickly, her sadness replaced with instant anger as she stormed her way to her bedroom balcony, greeted with the smirking man that made her blood boil.

"What in the hell are you doing at my house?!"

Christian stood leaning against his matte black Jeep Wrangler, tinted sunglasses shielding his eyes from Rosalie who just narrowed hers in disgust.

"Your Father asked me to pick you up for dinner." His arms crossed over his chest, making the suit jacket he wore, tighten around his biceps, catching Rosalie's attention. His chuckle snapped her attention back as she shook her head.

"Wait- you're going to dinner?" Rosalie asked surprised as Christian checked his wristwatch. "We are going... although I think 30 minutes exceeds the 'fashionably late' excuse, don't you think?"

Rosalie's eyes sprung wide at the realisation and quickly rushed back to her dresser to fix her make-up, keeping it light, but caked enough to hide her puffy eyes.

With a quick sprits of perfume, she grabbed her heels and clutch bag before almost throwing herself down the stairs to her front door, greeted with Christian leaning on the side wall.

"Finally ready to go?" He rolled his eyes and held out his arm to insist Rosalie to walk to the car first, after she locked her door. "After you."

Rosalie hummed, rolling her eyes as she carefully stepped into her heels, before walking to Christian's car. Just before her hand could even reach out, Christian's hand appeared at her side, opening the door for her.

Rosalie's chest tightened at the simple gesture but smiled nonetheless and hoped into the car, awaiting for Christian to do the same.

"Ready Amore?"

"Please, stop calling me that."

"Why? Afraid you're going to fall in love with me all over again?"


Rosalie clicked her tongue and turned to stare out of the window. "Maybe when I'm dead and no longer able to hear you speak."

"You wound me, Princess." Christian laughed wholeheartedly and began backing out of the driveway, resting his hand on the shoulder of Rosalie's seat to look out the back car window.

His colonge whiffed into her nose. Her heart justled as she realised it was the same scent she used to buy him every Christmas.

He still wore it.

She cleared her throat as he turned back around and shuffled in her seat to get comfortable, crossing one of her legs over the other, unaware of the view she was now showcasing to Christian.

He looked away instantly, biting his bottom lip to diguise the groan that was desperately trying to escape his lips.

"All set?"

"Ready when you are."

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