~Chapter Eight~

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Christian's POV


I couldn't help but stare over every inch of her face.

This woman was the Angel's creation.

Every feature, every freckle, every beauty mark, every fucking curve.

She was a creation of a Goddess.

"Don't let that head of yours get any bigger." I could see she struggled to keep that hidden smile off her lips, thinking I couldn't see it.

Her beauty was rare. The most beautiful thing I've ever had pleasure to lay my eyes upon.

"I wasn't lying when I told you I missed you. It pained me to have to leave you so suddenly."

I wanted to know she truly understood that.

"I believe you, Christian."

The simplicity of the sound of my name resting on those bright pink plump lips of hers, was more than enough to cause the tightness I felt my pants become.

"I- I wasn't ready to .. let go.. of what we had." I admit, dropping my gaze from hers as I stared down at my hands.

"If I had a way of preventing it, believe me, I would have. I was mad at my brother, but more so disappointed in myself. The timing was not in my favour. And this is not me trying to make up excuses for my actions, I- Christian."

Her angelic voice brought me out from my ramble, my eyes instantly finding hers again.

"It's okay. I understand. Maybe the lines from the cells lost service or whatever. At least we both know what happened. You don't need to beat yourself up about it."

She was so pure. My heart raced at her every word. Even though our earlier interactions were shorter than intended, I felt like I had known her all my life.

And I knew for certain, this woman wasn't someone I was letting go of so easily.

"Now that we have my side cleared up, it's your turn."

I noticed how her chest rose and fell so slowly, my eyes drifted up to her lips as her tongue darted out to lick off the dryness, and I found myself wishing it was me who had the pleasure of tasting how heavenly her lips were.

I shifted in my seat, cursing mentally at myself, for how my pants were becoming... unbareably tight.

"W-what about me?"

I watched her throat as she gulped nervously, how her breathing altered, how she shifted slightly in her seat, how her lips parted ever so slightly, silently inviting me in on their own, without her knowledge.

"Back at the resteraunt, with your parents.. and that pathetic excuse of a man you call your husband. Is that what triggered you?"

I watched that I was careful with my choice of words, not wanting her to spiral out of her own control.

She looked down, and I instantly called for her attention.


Her eyes met mine once again. All I wanted to do in that moment was to wrap her up in my arms, carress every square inch of her body, to keep her safe with me. Worship her like she deserved.

But I had to be careful.

I need to be careful.

"I- I wasn't expecting him to show, that's all."

Maybe that was partly true. But I knew from instinct, she wasn't giving me the whole truth.

"Wasn't he meant to be there in the first place?" I asked in a soft tone as I leaned my arms on the counter, desperately wanting to inch that little bit closer to her.

"Technically speaking, yes. But he told me prior, he had an important business meeting to attend, he wasn't sure if he would make it on time."

"It took him two hours to cover a business meeting?" I said in a bland tone, not buying this man's.. pardon me, this boy's bullshit excuses for a single second.

Knowing how meetings of the sort works myself, almost 95% of companies in this city is the same layout perspective like any other company.

It's how business works here. It's all competition. Every debate is almost always in the same time diaphram as any other, to keep ahead of marketing sales.

When she didn't respond, I made the decision to take a different approach on the conversation.

"Does he treat you good, Rose?"

She paused in her tracks, her eyes no longer holding that longing gaze, but looking at me like I had just ate her favourite dessert.

I knew she was my favourite dessert.

"Very well, if you must know." She struck back. If I didn't know her as much as I did, I would have almost believed her, but the twitch in her left eye gave it all away.

"I thought you knew by now, that I don't appreciate when people lie to me, Rose." I said in a stern tone, slowly standing from my seat as I took slow, cautious steps towards her.

As she closed her eyes and took a deep breath, I placed myself behind her, leaning my hands on the counter at either side of her body, encasing her in my arms.

I neared my lips between the crease of her neck and shoulder, watching as my breath wavered over her skin, causing goosebumps to appear.

"Does... he... treat... you... good, Amore?"

I smirked at her small gasp, as I softly grazed my lips along the skin of her neck. Barely touching, but enough to see that familiar affect I have longed to see again.

How her body reacted to me, how I knew her mind reacted to me, her soul... everything.

I was done for.

This woman held every part of me completely captive in her palms.

I was hers for the taking. Whether she knew it or not.

I wouldn't admit it to her, at least not yet... I haven't been near another woman since I left this beauty in front of me.

I simply couldn't.

Every woman I ever laid eyes on, never appealed to me. For the simple reason, that they weren't her.

She still hadn't answered my question, therefore I pressed on with another.

"Does he take care of you, the way a husband should?"

I placed a open-mouthed kiss directly under her ear, not failing to catch the sweet whimper that fell from her sweet lips, as my index finger danced a line down the centre of her stomach.

"Answer me, Amore." I demanded. Waiting a few more seconds, she finally let out her answer, her voice cracking, her tone dripping with lust.


I smirk silently at her answer. I knew it already.

Thinking to myself I had a choice here.

Give in to her pleasure and show her what was missing, or...

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