~Chapter Forty~

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**10 Hours Later**

Christian’s POV

After four hours of constant torture, there was still no word nor update about Rosalie’s condition.

The only things keeping me company was the constant ticking of the clock on the wall, counting every painful second slipping by, an old man snoring his head off, a weird lady giving me the side eye, and what I could only assume was a two year old kicking off screaming because his Mother refused to let him eat her hair.

Children were weird. But it was the sort of weirdness I was ready to learn all about... only if the damn doctor would tell me what was going on.

“Hey!” I stand to my feet and bang my fist off the glass shield that stood to separate the patients from the hospital's secretary. “I’ve been here waiting for four hours on my heavily pregnant girlfriend, and there hasn’t been a single word about her wellbeing. Where is the damn doctor?!”

The woman stood to her feet and nodded to my left, where a security guard was seeing to be slowly approaching.

“Listen,” I begin to speak, as I turn my head back to the woman. “I apologise for my outburst, but my girlfriend was whisked off away from me and not a single person has came back through those doors to tell me if she and my child is okay.”

My heart sinks even further when I feel a hand grab onto my upper arm, and starts tugging my body away from the counter. “Please! Just tell me she’s okay!”

“Officer Harding, isn’t it?” I look up confused to the man who I didn’t recognise and squint to see through my teary eyes. “That’s right. How did you- your partner stated in a very.. clear tone of voice of who she wanted in the delivery room.. described you down to a tee if I may say so.”

The doctor chuckles in amusement. I shake my head and blink, as his words seep into my head. “Delivery room? What are you...”

Reality clicks and I waste not another second before I bolt down the corridor, searching past every room I sprint by, looking out until I spot Rosalie stood slumped over the hospital bed, screaming at the doctor in pain.

“I swear I will sue this damn place if I don’t have my partner in here right this instance! And where’s the damn epidural?!”

Another scream let out from her throat which snapped me back into reality, as I rushed to her side, placing my hand on her lower back in hopes to give her that little bit of comfort.

“I’m here, Amore.” A sob escaped from her lips, as she slowly turned to me, grabbing onto my arms for support. “Christian, I c-can’t do this. I’m not ready. I’m not even full term yet!”

I hush her gently, bringing my arms around her, brushing the sweat soaked hair away from her face with my hand. “Listen to me. I know this is scary. But you are in good hands, and I’m right here with you. I’m not going anywhere, okay?”

Her mouth opens to speak, when she’s cut off with another scream of her own, the pain overbearing her body as she grips onto me o-so-tightly, making my teeth sink into my bottom lip to hide my groan of pain.

Damn, this girl got a good grip.

Looking over to the nurse that stood beside Rosalie to check how far dilated she was, I give a pointed look. “Is there anything you can give her to help with the pain? Or slow the process down?”

Please fucking say yes, my right arm is loosing circulation here!

“I’m sorry to be the barer of bad news, but Rosalie has just missed her window for the epidural. I’m afraid there’s nothing we can do, other than to help make her as comfortable as possible for delivery.”

Jesus, take the wheel.

Rosalie lets out a cry in pain, her head drops back onto my shoulder and I wrap my arms around her softly, murmuring sweet nothings into her ear.

“Where’s my dad? I need him here, Christian.”

Shit.. I forgot to call Robert.

“I sent him a message, he’s on his way baby. Just try to relax as much as you can.”

Keeping one hand wrapped secure around Rosalie’s stomach, I sneak out my phone to give Robert the SOS message about Rosalie, alongside giving Kiara and Damien a heads up.

“I can’t do this, Christian...” Rosalie sobs out, her grip releasing as her contraction finally subsides. Giving her a reassuring smile, I help her climb back onto the bed and grab her hand softly, kissing her knuckles.

“Yes you can, and you know why? Because you are the strongest woman I know.” I watch her face become tired, as more tears threaten to spill.

“There’s something wrong. I can feel it in my gut. He’s not ready to come out yet.” Rosalie gasps for air through her sobs, and my heart clenches at her every word.

“He?” I press, giving her a tired smirk, trying to avaid the conversation into something a little lighter to ease her mind.

“Just my intuition.” She mumbles, her eyes fluttering shut as she eventually calms down. “Tell me more.” I press on, stroking my hand through her hair.

“He’ll have brown eyes, just like his Dad.” Her eyes connect with mine as I let my hand softly brush against her cheek. “And he’ll have a big strong heart of gold... just like his Mama.” My words trail off into a whisper as her head rests against mine.

“Everything is going to be okay, Rose. I promise you that.” I feel her head shake lightly, making me take a soft grip on her jaw. “Everything will be okay.”

A voice cleared out, making us both look towards the nurse who had a small smile on her face. “It time for you to start pushing Rosalie. Are you both ready for baby to arrive?” She nods down and reality kicked in.

With counts from the nurse, she guided Rosalie through pushes. Even though the striking pain in my hand was bone-crushingly sore, I knew it was nothing compared to what Rosalie must’ve been feeling.

“I need my Dad here, Christian! Where is he?!”

Like my prayers had been answered, Robert busted through the door and rushed to the opposite side to Rosalie. “I’m right here, Sweetheart. I’m sorry it took so long. Everyone’s waiting outside.”

The nurse looked to Robert, and I instantly knew what she was going to say. “I’m sorry, but there can only be one birthing partner in the room. One of you will have to step outside.”

I carefully eyed Rosalie, knowing she was about to say something from under her tongue that she may regret later, but to my luck, Robert politely stepped aside.

“I’ll be waiting right out of those doors for you, Sweetpea. Christian’s gonna be right by your side. I’m so proud of you.” Rosalie and Robert shared a few exchanges before he quietly stepped outside to give the update to who I could only assume and hope was Kiara and Damien.

After a further thirty minutes of pushing and screaming, the sweetest cry filled my ears as tears filled my eyes. “You did it baby!” I gasp out as my eyes land on our child for the first time.

“Congratulations Mom and Dad, you have a beautiful baby boy.”

I chuckle in happiness and look down on Rosalie, only to be filled with worry when I found Rosalie laying unconscious in my arms.


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