Chapter 65

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Megatron, Ultra Magnus and Shockwave rush through the ground bridge. Jack held onto Megatron's shoulder as he looked down at Saphira with worry. Her face was pale and covered in sweat, and her body was still twitching and seemed to be struggling to breath. She didn't even know what was happening to her body, but it wasn't good. Optimus was standing in the lobby with wide optics, clearly wondering what was happening.

"What happened?!" Optimus barked as Megatron rushed out of the lobby towards the med bay. Optimus followed as his optics look at Saphira. "I felt a shock. What did she do?!"

"When we found the crystals, Saphira seemed to feel the energy from them," Jack explained as calmly as possible. "While Megatron and Shockwave were discussed about it, and I found out that the crystals don't affect me, Saphira must have fallen into a trance. I am not sure how or why, but she approached the crystals and we tried to stop her."

"Is that why you have a bruise on your cheek?" Arcee asked as she had already noticed the bruise on Jack's cheek.

He nodded. "Yeah...I don't think she was in control though...because she touched the crystals. And the touch seemed to do something to her before she collapsed on the ground."

"Her body feels very warm..." Megatron looked at her with sad eyes and frowned at Optimus. "I knew it was a bad idea taking her."

Optimus did not respond as he knew there was no point in arguing. They rush into the med bay as Ratchet and Knockout finished setting everything up after Megatron sent then a panicked message that Saphira needed medical assistance. When both medics saw Saphira's state, they were both alarmed.

"By the All Spark...get her on the gurney, now!" Ratchet ordered as Megatron approached. He gently placed her onto the gurney and Ratchet immediately began attaching the vitals patches to her chest to monitor her heartrate and breathing. Knockout rolled over an oxygen tank and mask to put on. "Saphira's body feels warm...warmer than it should be..."

"You can help her...can't you?" Megatron asked nervously as he stood back to give the medics room to work, though he was clearly very worried. "I'm very worried...mostly because...I can't feel her through the bond anymore..."

Ratchet glanced at Megatron in surprise, though he said nothing. Once the vitals were turned on, he saw that Saphira's heartrate was really high, her internal temperature had risen and she was struggling to breath. He leaned down to open her eyes gently, shining a light in each of them. He widened his optics when her pupils did not react to the light. It was really concerning, as it was almost like there was no life in her, even though she was still alive.

Ratchet turned away and grabbed out oxygen tubes, making Knockout widen his optics. "The mask isn't going to be enough, Knockout. Her body's struggling to breath, and we need to get oxygen into her more directly. Help me..." Ratchet glanced at the other bots in the room. "And give us some more room! I know you are worried, but you are crowding up the med bay!"

Megatron and Optimus were shocked that Ratchet would demand they leave. "Ratchet, do you expect Megatron and I to leave Saphira at a time like this?!"

Ratchet gave him a sympathetic expression. "I am sorry, but for now, yes. Saphira needs to be stabilized. Jack..." He glanced to the boy who was worried. "Call your mother. We will need her help."

Jack nodded, grabbing out his phone to call his mother. Optimus and Megatron were reluctant to leave. Breakdown placed his hands on their shoulders. "You should listen to them. Saphira is in good hands."

"Breakdown, you are needed too," Knockout said gently as he began to prepare an IV bag.

Breakdown nodded and walked over to help. Ultra Magnus felt guilty as seeing Optimus and Megatron worry over Saphira made him realize how much they both cared for her. He turned and walked out of the med bay. There was nothing more he could do. He did notice that Shockwave appeared to be focused on something.

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