~clarke griffin~

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Summary- Lexa took you to the tree instead of raven when she was "poisoned"

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Summary- Lexa took you to the tree instead of raven when she was "poisoned"

I had awoken in an unfamiliar place. I heard people talking around me but the soft breeze gliding across my face let me know I was outside. Slowly I opened my eyes to see grounders, loads of them, all staring up at me. Some stood in a line while others just gawked at me from the side and I finally noticed I was tied to a tree. Panic set in as I thrashed to get out of the rough rope that was holding me up but it was useless. 

When my eyes locked with Clarke's I could see the wheels turning in her head but soon after Lexa stalked towards me, blocking my view of Clarke. 

" I take no joy in this, (y/n). But this time, justice will be done." I started to shake the closer she got, scarred of what she might do.

 "I didn't do it. How is that justice?" As I spoke she rose her knife up to my arm and sliced. A whimper left my mouth as she did and i felt the blood drip down my arm. Indra was next and she lifted my shirt and cut along my side. I could feel the tears falling out of my eyes as one after another, grounders began to come and cut me in some ritual.

"STOP!" Everyone turned to look at the voice to find Clarke standing there holding a cup. 

"Let her through." Lexa said, sounding rather uninterested in anything clarke had to say. As clarke marched towards Lexa she looked up at me with worry set in her brows .

 "One of your people tried to kill you, Lexa. Not one of mine." she held out the foggy glass bottle as if to present it as proof.

 Indra stepped forward and in a gruff voice said " you should have run." Turning away from her clarke looked back at Lexa. 

" I can prove it." She grabbed the bottle of alcohol and drank it. Everyone stood there waiting for her to keel over but she never did.


"The poison wasn't in the bottle it was in the cup." she announced to all, an "aha" moment of sorts as she looked around at all the faces surrounding her like she was trying to get them to back her up. The big man that stood beside her leaned down and whispered something in her ear before Bellamy spoke.

 "It was you. He tested the cup, he searched (y/n). " Lexa came to his defense swiftly.

 "Gustus would never harm me." 

"You weren't the target, the alliance was." 

 "We didn't do this and you know it."

My head began to Get light and I lifted my head up to look at the sky no longer listening to what they were saying. In what felt like a moment I was untied from the tree by Bellamy and Mrs griffin. 

"You're okay kid, don't struggle too much." Bellamy said as he lifted me into his arms. 

"We need to clean these wounds soon or they'll get infected." Mrs Griffen ordered, gently touching around a few.

 I felt so releived to no longer be tied to that tree, to be held, to be rescued. A blanket was quickly wrapped around me and they tried to take me away.

 "No" I whispered, barely audible as I wiggled weakly out of Bellamys arms.

 "(y/n) we need to clean these wounds, and you shouldn't see this. Just come with me." Mrs griffin said, trying to soothe me. 

"I'm going to watch him die." And with that all hope of me leaving was gone. I watched and counted as over 72  people came and hesitantly cut their tribe member.

 "Lets go (y/n)." Abby said. With a quick nod I let her guide me away from the crowd and into my tent to be patched up.

🌸time skip🌸

"Well you're all done, hun." Nodding I pulled the blanket back over my shoulders to fight off the cold. 

"I'll go get Clarke, just wait here." A few minutes passed of me starting at the flaps of my tent before Clarke came in a flurry.

 "Are you okay? Was anything wrong?" Her panic was comforting in a way that brought a smile to my face. 

"I'm alright clarke, just a little bleedy and ill have some new scars soon enough."

Hearing this brought calm to clarke as she sat next to the person she was in love with. Clarke grabbed my hand and rubbed it as we talked about what to do next until Lexa came in. 

"Abby told me you were done being looked over so I came to check on you." I nodded nervously as she came towards us. Clarke could tell and stood in between the two of us.

 "There's no need to be afraid anymore, I'm not going to do anything to (y/n) Clarke." she assured non-chalantly.

I could feel the anger radiating off of Clarke as she stood In front of me. 

"If you ever hurt them again I'll burn this village to the ground then After you've watched your home and people burning alive I'll burn you too."

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