~Bellamy Blake~

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Requested: can you do one where the reader tells Bellamy she is pregnant and doesn't know how he would take it

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Requested: can you do one where the reader tells Bellamy she is pregnant and doesn't know how he would take it.

Fem pregnant reader x Bellamy blake!


You'd gone to dr Griffen two weeks ago for constant puking and headaches. She told you that instead of a stomach bug you were pregnant. Though you were extatic about having a baby you knew that Bellamy was hesitant, knowing how dangerous it was on the ground at this point mixed with his fears of being a bad father.

Still, you made a plan to break the news to him. You'd been asking for a few days for him to come with you to the cave pools a few miles into the forest and each time he told you no, it was to dangerous.

Yet, here you were, once again begging him to take you to see them.

"Oh please bell, its fine. Its dark and no one would see us. Pleeaaasseee." You beged, draping your arms around his shoulders as you kissed up his neck quickly.

"Damn it (y/n) what is with you and those fucking pools?" He yelled, shoving you off of him.

He hadn't ever acted so coldly to you, not ever. He was always very affectionate and kind even when he was upset. Seeing him like this brought tears to your eyes as you stared at the back of his head.

Though, soon your gaze turned towards your stomach barely being able to hold back the tears as you began to regret this discussion.

"Hello?" He asked, sounding annoyed as he stood from his chair and faced you.

You couldn't hold the tears back anymore, they came flooding from your eyes. You couldn't even look at him, sure he would hate you for this.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." You cried over and over, plopping down on your shared bed before covering your face.

"N-no I didn't." He sighed, crouching down infront of you and putting his hands on your knees as if to comfort you.

"Baby I didn't mean to be mean, I just...its not safe right now. Ill take you to see them as soon as it is I swear." He mumbled, uncomfortably.

"I don't care about the pools Bellamy...I'm pregnant." You cried, now completely sobbing, sure he would leave you.

After a long bit of silence you had to do it, you raised your head to find his eyes, brimming with tears as he stared at your stomach.

"Pregnant..." he mumbled, before slowly looking up at you.

"I'm so sorry Bellamy." You whimpered but he shook his head and stood, pacing around the room with his hands buried in his hair.

"I'm gonna be a daddy." He finally cried, a smile busting onto his face.

"W-what?" You asked, entirely confused.

"I'm gonna be a daddy! And you, you're gonna be a mommy. You're gonna be a mommy!! Oh my God, we are gonna be mommy and dadd-" his excited proclamations were cut short by him collapsing to the ground. He had fainted, screaming about being a daddy, what a sight.

Quickly, you rushed to his side, supporting his head as you shook him. Though it took a minute he came to, confused.

"You fainted." You chuckled, rubbing his forehead.

"I got excited...I'm gonna be a dad." His bright smile, now pointed up at you as he pulled you down into a passionate kiss.

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