1k+!!! (please read!)

37 1 3

I noticed we hit the 1k mark and I wanted to do something super special! I've also noticed yall have been requesting alot of super cool imagines so I thought yall might like it if you could go through the prompts below and make a pair and show your super creative side!! If you think of something I should add, please let me know!


#1. "I should've seen it coming."
#2. "You know, if you're trying to make me jealous? Its working."
#3. "Given your history, I should've known better."
#4. "Hey, look at me. I'm not going anywhere."
#5. "Please tell me atleast part of it was real."
#6. "I feel like shit." "you look it, too."
#7. "[Name] tried to warn me about you, but I didn't listen."
#8. "I know we aren't friends right now but, if you ever need me, I'm right here.....always."
#9. "I was ready to give you my heart."
#10. "Ive got no where else to be."
#11. "You should've killed me when you had the chance."
#12. "Its okay to need someone, sometimes. You do know that right?"
#13. "Ive got to see this!"
#14. "You are whats important to me right now."
#15. "Get away from me!"
#16. "You didn't force me, I volunteered. Remember?"
#17. "You didn't free me, I freed myself."
#18. "Kill me then if I'm such a problem."
#19. "I don't have anyone, not anymore." "You have me."
#20. "I should've left you to die."
#21. "You're not doing this alone."
#22. "Do you even regret anything you've done?!"
#23. "Hey...I'm glad you're here."
#24. "I loved you In this lifetime but ill be sure not to make that mistake next time."
#25. "Lets be pathetic together."
#26. "Now I see, no one could've saved you."
#27. "Just once, I wish you'd choose me."
#28. "We could've had a thousand tomorrows together."
#29. "Ive seen the way you look at me when you think I don't notice."
#30. "I lost didn't i?"
#31. "We are in the middle of a storm and you want to stop and feel the rain?!"
#32. "We are not just friends and you know it."
#33. "Stay with me."
#34. "You need to wake up cause I can't do this without you!"
#35. "Well? Yell, scream, say something, anything!"
#36. "This is without a doubt your stupidest plan ever. Of course I'm in."
#37. "I just...I need some time."
#38. "Looks like we will be trapped here for a while."
#39. "Despite what you think I'm completely capable of taking care of myself."
#40. "It could be worse."
#41. "You cant keep pretending it didn't happen, cause guess what? It did!"
#42. "Hey, I'm with you, okay? Always."
#43. " oh bite me you, dick."
#44. "Kiss me...oh God please just kiss me."
#45. "I think I'm inlove with you and it scares the crap out of me."
#46. "I think we need to talk."
#47. "I think I'm just afraid of being happy."
#48. "Dont you ever do that again, do you hear me?!"
#49. "You're mine and I don't share.
#50. "I almost lost you."
#51. "Youre...blushing?"
#52. "Wait a minute, are you jealous?"
#53. "I missed something, didn't i?"
#54. "Do you...well...I mean...I could give you a massage?"
#55. "You came to my room to wake me up at 4 am to cuddle?"
#56. "Have you lost your damn mind?!"
#57. "Is that my shirt?"
#58. "Come over here and make me."
#59. "You look like you need a hug."
#60. "I don't need you."
#61. "I want my life back."
#62. "I'm pregnant, not helpless. Stop worrying so much."
#63. "Please come home....I miss you."
#64. "So what if I'm jealous? Would that change anything?"
#65. "I hate it when they look at you."
#66. "Is...is this you trying to flirt with me?"
#67. "You're all I ever think about."
#68. "No you have a fever, go back and lay down."
#69. "If you don't kiss me ill slit your throat."
#70. "We should get married...today."
#71. "Tell me how much you love me."
#72. "Wait, are you serious?! You've never kissed anyone before?"
#73. "Did have to be that honest?"
#74. "I think I'm pregnant."
#75. Everytime I see you i just feel more alone."
#76."I love and I know you don't think so but you do deserve to be loved."
#77. "I can't do anything right, can i?"
#78. "Why can't you just listen, for once?!"
#79. "Your eyes can be so cruel."
#80. "This sounds like you're flirting with me." "I've been trying for 3 years, glad you finally caught on."
#81. "I gave you everything I had."
#82. "I feel so sick around you." "You got a fever or something?"
#83. "Fine you'll never see me again. Okay?"
#84. "Would it be weird if I kissed you?" "Yes. Do I care? No.
#85. "You promised!"
#86. "You're so cute." "What did you say?" "I said you look like a boot."
#87. "You said you would keep trying!"
#88. "You said you'd never hurt me. Yet. You're the one that stabbed me in the back and laughed at my pain."
#89. "I wanna say there's still hope but things don't usually go your way."
#90. "I still need you."
#91. "Did you just forget about me, or something?"
#92. "You think I care about you? Cute."
#93. "I gave up on you a long time ago."
#94. "Stop, please stop hurting them!"
#95. "Of course it meant something."
#96. "Everyday I wake up and reach for you and everyday you aren't there."
#97. "I don't know If I can love you anymore."
#98. "You changed me."
#99. "I don't wanna know."
#100. "I'm the last person you'll ever have to worry about leaving you."

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