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After a long day of you slowly gathered the energy to walk back to your shared quarters

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After a long day of you slowly gathered the energy to walk back to your shared quarters. Your thoughts of seeing your girlfriend mixed with the your boots, not so quietly echoing through the halls.

Pushing the door open with your shoulder you called out for her.

"Lexa? You in here?" You called, pushing the door closed with your foot before sitting in a chair and beginning to untie your boots.

"Yeah just give me a second." She called, her voice having a different ring to it.

"Are you okay? You sound, I dont know, I guess different?" You called finally pulling off your boot and moving to the other.

"Ive got a surprise for you. Close your eyes."

"Alright." You mumbled, covering your eyes and turning towards her voice.

After a moment she told you to open them. Dumb struck you stared at her. She looked so strange, not at all like the commander of grounders. Her hair was curled and to one side and instead of her normal clothes she stood merely 3 feet away in a tube top and make up.

"Do you like it?" She asked, seeming almost insecure as she crossed her arms.

"I uh, yes but... why do you look like that, I mean why are you wearing that stuff?" You questioned, restarting your battle to take off your overly tight boots.

"I was talking to clarke, she said you would like it. Do you not like it?" She mumbled, slightly backing away.

You stared at her for a moment before offering your hand to her. Hesitantly, she moved to take it. you drew circles on her palms before looking back up at her.

"I mean I like you." You mumbled, sleeply smiling up at her.

"This was stupid." She announced, trying to pull her hand away but you wouldn't let go.

"Lexa...I don't want you dressing like a sky person because you aren't. You're a better warrior and leader then any of us could be. I love you, not...whatever this is." You said gesturing towards her clothes.

She smiled slightly before nodding and walking away to change.

"But uh if you want you can where that tiny little shirt again. Looked good." You chuckled, tossing off your coat and getting up to find pajamas.

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