~octavia blake~

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Summary- clarke has been flirting with you and octavia does NOT like it

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Summary- clarke has been flirting with you and octavia does NOT like it

There they stood, laughing like a bunch of idiots. Clarke had been getting way too close to comfort to (y/n) lately and It did nothing but make octavia angry. (Y/n) was hers and no blonde bitch was gonna come in and take them.

"God Clarke you crack me up . I can't believe we never hung out on the ark."

The bright, peppy angel that'd caught octavias eye stood mere feet. Away but it felt like miles. Octavia sat, sharpening her sword and staring at the pair who were leaning up against a tree. A pang of jealousy and sadness ran through octavia as she thought of the ark, how much she missed out on while she was trapped under the floor.

While octavia sat, brewing in her anger she noticed clarke get closer to (y/n), Her hand pushing a strand of hair away from their face. Octavia saw how (y/n)s face turned a bright red color and how they took a step back and got shifty.

 "(Y/n), come here I have a question." octavia shouted and (y/n) excused themselves and walked over to octavia.

 "Yes baby?" Hearing that pet name brought butterflies to her stomach. She stood up and pulled (y/n) into a passionate kiss.

When she pulled away and looked over to (y/n) their beautiful face had turned pink and smiley. 

"Jealous much?" 

"Oh yes, very didn't I tell you?."

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