~lexa kom trikru~

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Summary- You are invited to stay as a ambassador for skikru

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Summary- You are invited to stay as a ambassador for skikru

You had been summond to the commanders quarters. Two large men escorted you and one knocked on the door. A male voice echoed through the doors. 

"Come in."

You pushed open the foggy glass doors to he met with a tall, skinny man standing next to the commander who was staring at you.

"We have a question for you, (y/n) of the ski people." The man said.

You crossed your arms behind your back and began to walk towards them.

 "Which would be?" trying to sound as uninterested as possible the closer you got

Lexa pushed past the man and walked the rest of the way to meet you.

"I want you to stay here, you would be the Ambassador for skikru. You would of course be given a suitable room, better then the one you have, food and you would advice me in the ways of your people as well as represent them."

You paused for a moment, just staring at her. 'Why would she ask you to do this instead of clarke or abby?' You thought.

"You are in no position to decline Hedas offer, child." Titus announced proudly.

Lexa promptly turned to face the man with an annoyed look, 

"They can speak for themself, Titus."

You let a small smirk grace your lips at the thought of him being put in his place.

"I'm honored commander but I'm afraid there are others more suited for this. Clarke for example, she led our people for months and would make a very-"

"I didn't ask who was most suited and seeing as you are honored by my request ill take that as a yes. I'll have your things taken to a room more suited for your station and you and I can see off the rest of your group later."

You stood in shock at how quickly this got out of hand but didn't say anything.

She turned slightly to face Titus, "Titus, take (y/n) to her group and set up the proper accommodations for her."

Titus stared at her in shock at just how stupid and mundane the task he was given were but eventually grabbed you by the arm, dragging you away and out of the commanders quarters.

"Until next time (y/n)."

"Until next time, commander."

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