~Octavia blake~

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You had been sent down to Arkadia to protect the earth people when things went badly

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You had been sent down to Arkadia to protect the earth people when things went badly. After all the blood shed and killing all you could do was sit in your own pool of blood and stare up at the passing clouds as the birds picked at your brothers and sisters.

"(Y/n)! (Y/n)!" You heard a familiar voice cry. It took every ounce of energy you had left to lift your arm up with a grunt.

A pair of light footsteps came rushing over to you and lifted you up onto their lap. Octavias crying face came into view as she held you tightly.

"Hey baby, hey. Your gonna be okay, help us!" She cried, rubbing your cheek.

Your eyes felt so incredibly heavy, like the weight of the world was sitting on your eyelashes. She shook you gently, making your eyes flutter open as you coughed, an irony taste filled your mouth as you did.

"Please, just hold on okay?" She begged as she wiped the blood from the corner of your lips.

"Please...Leave." You managed, feeling the blood drip down your throat, drowning you in pain.

"No no, I wont leave you. You're gonna go home, okay?" She cried, forcing a smile on her face as she shook with fear.

Every breathe you took felt like a little bit of life being pushed out. With the last bit of strength you had, you intertwined your fingers.

"I love you." 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2023 ⏰

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