~John Murphy~

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Murphy had seen a guy giving you some trouble recently

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Murphy had seen a guy giving you some trouble recently. You had been friends on the ark and both gone to the sky box only a week apart. You had ended up sharing a tent with the one guy who decided his life's mission was to fuck with you and Murphy wouldn't stand by no matter how much you asked him to. One day him and a few of his goons cornered the boy.

"Hey, micheal! Heard you were giving (y/n) some trouble."

"Yeah so what? They aren't your property, I can do what I want."

John scoffed, slowly walking up with his guys behind him.

"Now that just doesn't work for us. So we're gonna help you move to a different tent today, and you're gonna leave them be."

Micheals chest puffed out as he shook his head and crossed his arms.

"I don't think so, that ass is fine and I plan on tapping it. Stay out of my way, small fry."

Hearing those vulgar words said about you made his blood boil. He might even been skinny but he was by no means weak. still, he knew if you found out he had hurt the guy you'd of been pissed.

"I think you need some help understanding. Help him understand boys."

He said before turning and walking away as the four boys behind him cornered and beat micheal. His crys could be heard from clear across the camp but it didn't matter. Everyone knew not to get in the way. Murphy made his way to your tent, pulling open the tent to see you working on something.

"Hey, whats this?" He mumbled, gesturing to the stick.

"Trying to make a bow like they taught us."

He nodded before going over to micheals side and tossing his stuff into his sleeping bag.

"Hey what are you doing?" You asked, stopping your little project.

"Micheal came to me and asked to switch tents." he said, giving himself a small, mischievous smirk.

You stared at him for a moment before shaking your head.

"Thats what the yelling was. God Murphy I told you I could handle it!"

You shoved the bow off your lap and stood, pushing him and making him stumble back.

"I didn't hurt him, I just told him to move tents."

"Then why was he screaming for help?"

The rock in his stomach got heavier as you yelled at him for getting in the way. He tried to stay calm but he couldn't take your yelling. He grabbed you by the shoulders and pushed you onto your make shift bed.

"Shut up, (y/n). I can't just stand by while creeps like him come around and try to get with you. Do you even know how pretty you are? How many people want you? Its exhausting to have to just sit there and watch people try to fuck you. For fucks sake I can barely stop myself half the time!"

You sat there dumb founded as he fully realized what he said. He began to back out of the tent ignoring your calls for him to come back as he drowned in shame.

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