~bellamy blake~

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Summary- its incredibly hot one day and no one is used to it

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Summary- its incredibly hot one day and no one is used to it

"Jesus fucking christ." You mutter, slipping out of your tee shirt and tossing it to the floor of your tent. It was day 5 on the ground and it just kept getting hotter. No one was used to such heat and it was driving people crazy. Everyone had been complaining about it all day, while they lazed about In the shade of trees and inside tents and waited for night which somehow was just as unbearably hot and humid.

"Fuck it." You say annoyed as you grab your sleeping bag and storming outside the tent then locking eyes with bellamy. 

"Get too hot in there for you in there prince(ss)?" He asked in a sarcastic tone letting a dry smirk slip onto his face. You roll your eyes and push past him, tossing your sleeping bag onto the ground.

"Something like that." 

"No hey I get it," he said raising his hands up in mock defense. "I mean I'm doing the same." You glanced past him to see his sleeping bag already laid down a few yards away. without a word you both mostly naked climb into your own sleeping bags and try to fall asleep. Soon almost everyone in camp had joined you two outside but you were too far gone to notice.

Soon you feel the sun begin to beat down on you, full blast. Cringing, you rustle awake only to notice an odd weight wrapping around your hip. You look down to see a very muscular, very tan arm connected to a very tired bellamy. When your eyes met his face they widened and you let out a slight gasp. Begging him not to wake up as you gently lift up his arms and try to release yourself.

"Going somewhere prince(ss)?" His voice quietly speaks out. "Um... well..... uh" you stutter, completely unsure  what to say. A cheeky smirk spreads across his face and his arm tightens around you, pulling you back down to the ground and up against his chest.

"Why don't we move this into my tent? A bed would be nice." His gruff morning voice whispered in your ear as you blush, complete shocked that the famous bellamy Blake was inviting you to his tent. He takes the lack of protest as a yes and grabs your hand, pulling you as close as he could. As he turns his face into your hair softly. A smile placed gently on their face. Without another word he lifts himself up and guide you back to his tent.

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