~Bellamy Blake~

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PT 3!

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PT 3!

Bellamy had been afraid to visit you in the sky box but finally relented. With every step of his heavy boots against the metal floor his nerves grew until he was ushered into a room. He sat at the table, tapping his foot in anxiety. The door behind him was ripped open and you shoved in. You stared at each other, trying to find the words.


"Oh my God."

Both of you rushed into the others arms. Wrapping his arms around you he pulled you as close as he could. Both of you started crying into the others neck, neither of you wanting to leave the others embrace.

"I'm so scared here, Bellamy. I-i don't know what to do." You cried, trying to keep yourself upright.

"Sshhh its okay. You're turning 18 in like what, 1 month? They'll give you some shitty job and let you out. Don't worry about it okay?"

You started crying harder and pulled yourself out of his grasp, against his best efforts to keep you safely in them. Shaking your head you tried brushing the river of tears coming from your eyes.

"I made a deal bell."

His eyebrows furrowed as he guided you over to the table and sat, gesturing for you to do the same.

"What are you talking about, baby?"

You slowly sat down, finally getting control of your tears.

"They were gonna float you for not turning in Octavia. I made a deal with kane, I'd take your aiding and abbeding, smuggling, and my assault of an officer charges in exchange."

He couldn't stop staring at you. Memorizing your face as if its be the last thing he would see. He buried his head in his hand trying to stop all the emotions that rushed him all at once.

"I want you to leave bell...please." your words sounded more like begs than a request.

When he made no move you called for gaurds.

"We are done here." You told them, standing and trying to walk past him but he grabbed you. Without looking at him you ripped your arm from his grip, letting the gaurds cuff you and shove you through the door.

Next time he tried to visit you he was told that you asked for him to be banned from seeing you. His heart would never be the same as he spent the next 2 weeks dreaming of the life he had before. That was until one of his prior superior came and visited him.


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