~John Murphy~

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After ontari found out about you and John's past relationship she ordered for you to be brought to her

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After ontari found out about you and John's past relationship she ordered for you to be brought to her. You were ripped from your bed and dragged ruthlessly through the  building until you were in the throne room.

"So you're the person John here has an eye for?" She chuckled, sitting up straighter in her throne.

Wildly you looked around the room, to find Murphy with a collar around his throat. Your eyes widened as you were struck with fear. You tried to get up and get to him but you were ripped back by your hair before being thrown down again.

"Gahhh, let go of me you!-"

"Answer me!" She yelled, her eyes burning holes into yours.

"I...what?" You asked, completely confused at the situation.

"Are you with my pet?" She said, gently tugging on Murphys chain.

"No, no...I mean we dated for a while I guess but that's long ended." You groaned, rubbing your aching head while death staring the gaurd that did it.

"So you wouldn't mind if I just.." she pulled him closer by the chain until he was in her hands. Roughly she kissed him, he tried to pull away but her grip was to strong. making the warmth of jealously and disgust spread across your chest as you turned away form them.

"Look." She commanded but you ignored her, finding your way to your feet until one of her gaurds kicked the back of your knee and forced you to look.

"Ugh please stop shoving your tongue down his throat. I'm gonna puke." You groaned, retching at the sight.

Though you'd never admit it to him or anyone else it made you angry to see him kiss another person. It made you disgusted to see her force herself on him and if given half a chance you'd slap the scars off her face.

"How dare you talk to me like that, I am heda!" She yelled, storming over to you while unsheathing her sword.

"Anyone who has to say they are heda, is no real heda." You countered, leaning forward towards her.

Quickly she placed it against your neck, smirking as your face went white.

"I'll have your head for that, Ski invader." She smirked, beginning to bring the sword down.

"Stop!" Murphy cried, getting close enough to ontari to rip her away from you.

Her gaurds grabbed him and threw him to the ground. A crack erupted when he did as he screamed, holding his stomach. try as you did you couldn't break their grip on you.

"How dare you! I am your heda!" She screamed picking herself up and dragging him by his hair back to the throne. Angrily she locking the chain to the arm rest before turning back to you.

"Take it back! Say I'm heda or ill kill you!" She shrieked.

"Kill me, do it you crazy bitch! You're no more heda then I am!"

At that she became enraged, ordering her gaurds to let you go and started swinging her sword at you wildly.

Grabbing one of her gaurds swords you blocked her attacks. Slashing and cutting her with your own sword in return.

Her shrieks echoed through the room as she skillfully slashed at you, giving you deep cuts.

"I'm begging you, please stop! I love them, please!" He begged, your swords still clashing as he did.

She kicked you in the stomach, making you fall before turning towards him.

"Then their death will be your punishment!"

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