~John Murphy~

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You and John had just gotten trapped in the light house and after a little exploring you found a shower

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You and John had just gotten trapped in the light house and after a little exploring you found a shower. Clicking on the water you felt, for the first time in years, hot water.

"John! John! Come here!" You yelled, smiling from ear to ear as you slowly rotated your arm under the stream.

His heavy foot steps rushed over to you, thinking the worst. His eyes brushed over you, your arm elbow deep in the showers rain.

"Its warm, come feel." You smiled at him.

Carefully he came next to you and shoved his arm into the water. It felt amazing on his skin as he watched all the dirt that was once there get rinsed away.

"You should go first. You look worse then a dead man. Ill find you some clothes."

Walking away you left him to shower, he watched dirt, blood, sand, and twigs fall from his hair as he rinsed and washed. The door clicked open and you, with your hand over your eyes came in.

"I don't know if it fits but here." You dumped the pile of clothes on the counter and turned to leave but he called out for you.

"Just give me a second to dry off. I don't want the warm water to run out before you get to shower."

You froze for a moment. John had never taken anyone else's thoughts or feelings into consideration. He was selfish and rude and always had been but now he was worried about you getting to shower with warm water? A little bit of nerve shot through your body as you over thought about what he had said until he stepped out, his wet hair brushed back and dripping.

" I know its hard not to stare at my beauty (y/n) but please atleast try."

Smirking you hopped from your spot on the bed and punched him in the arm.

"Ha ha, you'll always be stinky to me."

You pushed past him and walked into the bathroom to strip, the faucet still running. When you first stepped in the shower burnt your skin in the best way. You worked out all the matts and kinks in your (h/l) hair before washing it along with every part of you.

There was so much dirt you were afraid it would clogg the drain, Yet more kept coming. After a while you came out of the shower and dried yourself off. Peaking your head out of the door you didnt see John so you came out and began looking for clothes for yourself. Not long after he cleared his throat behind you, Making you jump and instinctively reach for your knife that was no longer strapped to your leg.

"Wow calm down scardy cat, I found you some clothes. They'll be big but atleast their clean."

I nodded and took the clothes, waiting for him to leave but he didn't. It took a moment before it clicked in his brain and he started laughing.

"Sorry, ill go find some food." He mumbled before stepping out.

You tugged on the overly large sweatpants before zipping up the jacket he had brought you. He knocked on the door, pushing it open with his foot.

"I found a bunch of shit. Here, try this." He plopped down on the bed and handed me a bar.


"Yeah, shits delicious. Go on."

I took a small bite before smirked up at him. He nodded at me while munching on some crackers.

"Your hairs dripping, didn't you dry it?"

I shook my head, taking a cracker from the pack in his hand. For a moment he just stared before nodding and hopping up into the bathroom. He came back with a blue towel and stood infront of me.

"Sit on the floor right there."

"Why, you gonna strangle me to death for not drying my hair?" I laughed.

He rolled his eyes and stared at me before I slid of the bed and onto the floor infront of him. He sat on his knees behind me and gently dried my hair. His fingers ran through my hair, breaking up any remaining knots before he loosely braided it.

"How do you know how to do this stuff?"

"Mom got drunk, would pass out alot. Had to learn."

We sat in silence as he finished off the braid, his hand sliding down from the braid down the small of my back before he slid away and stood. The feelings of his finger remained tingling on my back as he walked away to God knows where.

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