~bellamy blake~

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Summary- Bellamy comes to show you his new gaurd uniform

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Summary- Bellamy comes to show you his new gaurd uniform

You were in your room waiting for Bellamy. He had told you at breakfast that he had something to show you so after classes you went to your room to wait. You'd been excited all day to see what it could be. You couldn't stand to just sit so you began to clean up. You made your bed then your moms and while you were folding the clothes you heard a knock from the door.

 "Hey (y/n), close your eyes." Bellamy's voice called, muffled but with an unmistakable edge of excitement. With a smile you leaned against the table and covered your eyes.

 "Closed, now what this big surprise?" You heard the big metal door open immediately and him step in. 

"Okay open them." The excitement in his voice sent butterflies through your body as you uncovered your eyes. There he was, smiling ear to ear wearing a guard uniform. Your face lit up as you realized what you were looking at.

 "You got in?" He nodded quickly staring at you with anticipation in his eyes.

You ran into his arms laughing, kissing him all over his face. 

"You're a gaurd Bellamy, do you know what this means? No one will ever mess with you again, plus you'll get to move over to the nice side of the ship." 

"Yeah, I guess I do." His face dropped for a moment while he spoke. 

"Whats wrong Bellamy? You've wanted this forever, You worked hard for this. Why aren't you excited?" I said , brushing a stray hair from his forehead as I shook his a bit, trying to hype him ip.

"No I am, I just" he paused for a moment and began to whisper, "what about octavia? My mom can't feed her by herself plus people are in and out of our room, she can't hide her without my help."

You let your arms slip from his neck then walked over you your bed and sat, patting the spot next to you. 

"What if I help bell, if worse comes to worse I could hide her here. Moms never here since she is always working with Mrs griffin and I'm no one so I never get visitors." He stared at you while you spoke and kept it up after you stopped. You stared back just waiting for a response, a sigh, a nod, anything.

Finally it came in the form of a smile.

 "Your so amazing (y/n), maybe but I don't think it'll come to you hiding her in your room." He cupped your cheeks and kissed you before standing up. 

"I've got to go, I have to show mom my new uniform but ill be back later. I promise." You smiled back up at him, Still feeling the tingling on your lips. "Alright Mr Blake, ill see you later." A bright blush snaked it way across is cheeks as he walked out, smiling ear to ear.


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