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Request: hi can I request a imagine for monty with #24 and #7 after you figure out he has been cheating on you with harper??

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Request: hi can I request a imagine for monty with #24 and #7 after you figure out he has been cheating on you with harper??

You're heart stopped beating the second you saw them, curled up with each other, kissing. You and monty started dating in the sky box and it never seemed like something he would do. He loved you and you loved him or at least you thought he loved you.

"No, (y/n). Please!" He called, pushing Harper off him and running after you as you sped down the hall. The humming of Arkadia filled your ears as you got dizzy from shock.. The clinking of his boots finally caught up to you before he grabbed your arm, pulling you around to face him.

"It wasn't what it looked like. I swear, baby, you've gotta-" before he could finish his sentence you hurled a fist straight into his face, making him fall to the ground.

"Octavia tried to warn me...but I never believe her, I didn't wanna believe you would do something so horrible to me. I should've listened to her." You whimpered, tears now finding their way out of your eyes.

"Please, just give me one more chance. I wont ever talk to her again, wont look at her, she wont even exist to me. Please baby please, you're all I want I swear." He groveled, getting on his knees to beg and hugging you around the waist.

"I loved you in this lifetime monty but I wont make that mistake again." You cried, pushing him off of you before backing away with your crushed heart and throbbed hand.

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