~Raven Reyes~

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After raven had gotten sick you refused to leave her side

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After raven had gotten sick you refused to leave her side. You didn't leave the drop ship for 3 days sitting by her. Sometimes she would wake up delirious, calling for finn. Everythime she did you're heart broke a little. You'd been in love with her for years and no matter what you did she always looked to finn.

Still you sat next to her cott, leaning against the wall and playing with her hair and brushing your fingers across her face. Her eyes fluttered open, making you with draw your hand and sit up.

"Bring me water!" You called.

"Where am I?" She croaked through her gravelly voice.

Everytime she came to she asked that same question and everytime you answered without a hint of annoyance.

"The drop ship, here lean your head back for me."

You tilted her head back and brought the cup of water to her lips, letting her sip the water before pulling it away.


"Dont worry ill go get him." You said, beginning to stand before she weakly grabbed you.

"Whats wrong?" You asked, brows furrowed as you switched your gaze from her soft hand on yours to her eyes.

She was to weak to speak, just shaking her head at you instead. Nodding you placed yourself back where you'd been sitting on the ground, letting her fall asleep while still holding your hand.

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