~octavia blake~

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Summary- You come to see octavia after she united the bunker

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Summary- You come to see octavia after she united the bunker

Id seen her fight but never like that. She looked almost like another person. My feet carried me to the guarded doors just to be stopped by two very large trikru men. "No one goes in to see the commander." A little bit of panic set in as I thought about what might happen. 

"No i...I need to talk to Octavia." One of them shook their heads 

"The commander said no one-" her voice echoed through the doors as she commanded them to let me in and without question the stepped aside and let me open to doors.

The smell of iron and dust hung heavy in the air as I walked in. 

"(Y/n)?" Her voice croaked. God she looked so dirty, covered in blood and scrapes and burns from the black rain. I hadn't seen her since she won the conclave, since Jaha swept me away to the bunker. 

She lifted herself up from the desk and slowly walked around it towards me.

 "im glad you came." I couldn't bear to look her in the eyes so I let my eyes fall to the ground, not in fear but in sadness. Sadness for the girl she once was, for the girl I fell inlove with. 'What if that girl died in the conclave?' I thought. She looked so different, like a real grounder. Nothing like the girl under the floors. 

 "I saw you early, when you were...'uniting us'."

I could feel the tension begin to build when she heard me say those words. 'What would she do? Was she mad at me now?' She cleared her throat and finally her feet came into view, standing right in front of mine. The smell of iron overtook my senses as I slowly rose my head to look into her eyes. To my surprise she was crying, her lip shivering with pink streaks through the blood mask she was wearing. 

"What have I done (y/n)?" She asked. For a moment I stayed silent just staring at her face. Her beautiful eyes stared back at mine but this time full of tears. 

"You did what needed to be done...heda."

with these words she shook her head and began crying even more.

"no (y/n), Bellamy is still up there. I left him there. He said he was going back up to the ring with Clarke, Murphy and Raven but what if it doesn't work? What if i never see him again? God I abandoned my big brother to die." She sobbed.

 "No, you saved over 500 people, grounder and skikru alike, you won the conclave, you saved humanity. Bellamy will make it, he is smart, Clarke is smart, Raven is smart and well Murphy is a cockroach." She laughed gingerly at my joke and let her head fall onto my shoulders and for a bit it felt right. I slowly wrapped my hands around her and held her while she cried and I would do that for as long as she wanted as long as I got to see her.

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