~Bellamy Blake~

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Requested- can you write one where bellamys daughter, Aurora (named after her mother?, falls sick so he stops working and takes care of her

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Requested- can you write one where bellamys daughter, Aurora (named after her mother?, falls sick so he stops working and takes care of her.

(Bellamy x daughter reader)

After aurora surprise fainting spell Harper sent monty to find her father, Bellamy.  monty went on to find him and echo sparring by the bay window.

"Bellamy..." monty called, distracting him long enough for echo to plant one right on his jaw, Knocking him on his butt.

"Damn it, monty! What is it?" He asked, grumpily rubbing his sore jaw while side eying echo.

"Aurora, she fainted while helping with the-"

Monty couldn't get the rest of his sentence out before Bellamy was on his feet, running down to the medical bay. With every turn he could hear echo and montys voices fading away until all he could hear was his own heart beating in his ears till he came sliding into the room.

"Wow tiger, she's fine. She has a fever but I can't really tell if anything else is wrong."

He nodded, running his hands through his hair before gently siting on the edge of her cott. He studied her face, tracing over all of her features until she came to.

"Thanks for joining me." He chuckled, letting out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding in.

"Dad?...where am i?" She groaned, rubbing the back of her head and wincing when she rubbed the new bruise that was forming.

"The ring, remember?" He brushed a peice of hair off her face before rubbing her cheek gently.

"Take me to the water fall, I wanna listen to the birds." She groaned, now finally opening her eyes.

"No, Aurora, there's no water fall up here. Remember they're down there." He pointed out the window, towards the irradiated earth below them.

Aurora looked out the window and not really understanding where they were. Still delirious she kept insisting she wanted to go to the water fall or asking for jasper to come see her till she was crying. She just couldn't understand why jasper couldn't come see her if they were both in the sky.

"Shhhh come on bunny, Its alright." He mumbled, struggling to hold back his own tears while rubbing her back.

Aurora pulled herself into her father's arms before burrowing her head into his chest while he rocked her like when she was a little girl.

"You wanna hear one of the stories again baby?" He asked, resting his chin ontop of her head after she nodded. Deciding on artimesis story he recited it from memory, even after aurora turned to dead weight in his arms and her sniffles had been replaced with light snores till he finished his story. Only then did he lay down with her, falling asleep himself.

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