~Raven Reyes~

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Clarke had been getting far to close to you recently and raven had noticed

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Clarke had been getting far to close to you recently and raven had noticed. One day clarke came into the drop ship to ask raven about how defenses where coming when you walked in, carrying a load of wires for your girl.

"Hey birdie...and clarke, gathered as much as I could, not much though."

You bent down, dropping the bundle while clarke stared at your ass which did not go unnoticed by raven. When you turned around you caught raven staring at clarke and clarke staring at you.

"Something on my face?" You mumbled, chuckling slightly.

"Only beauty." Clarke teased, blushing as she practically through herself at you.

You and raven made eye contact before you rubbed your sides and nodded, clearly uncomfortable.

"Well I've got to help Bellamy with...something. I'll see you around baby." You said, leaning over and pecking her gently.

Clarke watched as you walked away before turning to raven who was staring daggers into her head. Her knuckles white from how hard she was clamping her pliers.

"Aww that's a cute necklace, a raven for raven." Clarke chuckled taking notice of the small metal bird.

Raven began to slowly walk around the table, stopping only a few inches away.

"Wow, you're pre-"

"Shut up. I want you to stay away from them. We've been together since we were 12 and no one is going to get in the way of that. Oh and this gorgeous necklace, (y/n) learned welding just to make it for me. If you so much as look at them i'll stop working. Got it?"

She nodded and at that raven backed away, flicking her helmet back infront of her face before getting back to work.

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