~bellamy blake~

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Summary- After Murphy tried to kill Bellamy

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Summary- After Murphy tried to kill Bellamy

After Murphy had tried to kill Bellamy you saw red. seeing Bellamy with blood on his face made you lose it. You started Packing a bag to go hunt him. Even through Clarke's protest the only thing you could think of was Bellamy. How Murphy had nearly killed him. How he looked dangling from the seat belts half dead.

You were so lost in your thoughts you didn't hear the flap of your tent open. 

"Where are you going?" You knew who it was. His gruff voice was unforgettable. Without looking at him you spoke.

 "I'm going After Murphy." You could hear the shifting of your bed as he sat there staring at the back of your head. 

"It isn't safe to go out there, the grounder will take care of him."

 "They didn't last time. I'm gonna make sure he doesn't come back again." 

It got quite and all you could hear was the chatter outside and the shuffling of you putting things in your bag. 

"Don't leave me...please." it came out like a whisper but you heard it. Stopping in your tracks you turned around to see a tear fall from his eye.

He was afraid. You never thought he could be afraid. Slowly you made your way towards him and sat with him. Taking a deep breath you conceded.

" fine, I wont go." You could hear him let out a sigh of relief after you said that. No one spoke for a moment you just stared at the ground waiting for something, anything to happen but nothing did. 

 "Have you gone to see Clarke yet about...all this?"

It took him a moment to answer but eventually you heard a scratchy "no." Nodding you stood up and held out your hand. 

"Let's go." He stared at your hand for a moment before putting his shaky one into yours. And You both walked out of your tent, hand in hand to the medical.

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