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Murphy came storming out of the drop ship, screaming for you to come out from where ever you were hiding

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Murphy came storming out of the drop ship, screaming for you to come out from where ever you were hiding. Confused, Bellamy turned towards you as you glanced over at the angry Murphy who was barreling towards you.

"HEY, BITCH! I HEARD YOU HAD SOMETHING TO SAY ABOUT ME." He yelled, pulling his knife from his pocket as he approached.

"Hey hey man what are you doing?!" You cried, backing away from him and further into the trees.

Before Murphy could get within 5 feet of you Bellamy ripped him back, throwing him to the ground. Murphy yelped on the way down, the knife being knocked out of his hand.

"Get out of my way Bellamy. This is between me and them!" He growled, scrambling towards his knife.

"What is going on?!" You cried, dodging Murphys half assed attempts at slashing you.

"I heard about what you were saying about me! About how crazy I am? How I'm a pain in everyone's ass?! I'm gonna gut you, you bitch!!" He cried, launching towards you only to be met with bellamys fist.

Bellamy stood over him, kicking him in the ribs as the 100 circled around us. You covered your gaping mouth in shock as you watched the scene infront of you. After he was done he turned towards the rest of them, wiping the sweat off his forehead.

"If ANYONE has a problem with (y/n), they have a problem with me, got it?!" He yelled wildly, whipping around to look at the now silent group before turning to you.

"We need to talk." He grumbled.

marching towards you, he Grabbed your  arm and pulled you towards the drop ship with everyone's eyes on you as he did. He whiped the cover that blocked the drop ships entrance out of his way before throwing you against a wall.

"What the hell was that about?!" He sighed impatiently.

"Fox face told me she liked him and I gave her some advice. I didn't know he was going to find out." You mumbled, crossing your arms across your chest.

"Ugh, you need to learn to shut up sometimes." He grumbled, running his hands through his hair.

"Why do you even care? I don't need someone like you scolding me for my every mo-" he cut you off, placing a passionate kiss against your lips.

Your hands ran up his waist, Groaning into his mouth as he pressed his chest against yours.

"Someone like me?" He chuckled breathlessly.

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