~octavia blake~

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Summary- pt2- diozo and octavia talk about what happened

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Summary- pt2- diozo and octavia talk about what happened

You and octavia hadn't spoken since yesterday. You refused to even sleep in the same room and hope was equally unhappy. Neither of them would talk to her and by now diozo had been told.

Octavia walked into the hut to be met with diozo waiting. "So, hope told me what happened."

She stopped in her tracks before beganing to walk towards her. "Yeah, we got into an argument. Not a big deal."

Diozo spun her mug around slowly, staring intently at Octavia. 

"you pinned (y/n) to a wall and yelled in her face. Over stories, stupid stories that were giving hope nightmares. (Y/n) just wanted to help and now both of them are scared of you and you feel nothing. Have you not changed or are you still the murder bloodriena?"

Diozo stood up and marched out of the hut as octavia watched. She walked right over to hope and (y/n) and sat down, smiling at them as they drew together.

The guilt ate at her stomach as she thought over what diozo said. 'Nightmares? I didn't know she was having nightmares. How could I do that to (y/n)? The person i loved so much it scared me sometimes.' She thought.

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