~Madi Griffen~

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Summary- The first time she meets you, a former commander

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Summary- The first time she meets you, a former commander

"I see you've met sheidheda madi kom trikru." Madi jumped up from her seat at this sudden voice. 

"Wh-who are you?!" As the figure pulled out a chair at the table and sat, they smiled. 

"I was heda a long time ago child, even before sheidheda. Sit, no need to scurry away in a world you can't leave." 

Slowly she pushed her chair closer to the table with a loud screech and sat down, never once taking her eyes off the former commander.

"How long?"

"I was the second heda, (y/n) kombucha trikru." Madisons eyes got bigger in shock as she look at the former commander sitting infront of her. 

"I thought sheidheda killed all the other commanders inside the chip?" (Y/n) shook their head, in amusement.

 "Sheidheda cannot kill me" with a confused look madison asked 

"why?" A small smirk grew upon the commanders face as they dragged their nails across the grooves of the table.

"Because I wont let him. Death only comes when we accept it. Never before."

The doors swung open with a loud bang as sheidheda came back to taunt Madison more but was shocked to find the last commander he hadn't killed sitting across from him. 

"what are you doing here ogonzain heda." The commander placed their hands on the table and stood.

 "rip klin oyu." (Im here To kill you) 

sheidheda let out a loud laugh.

 "You? The "commander of peace" will kill the commander of darkness?" 

Nodding (y/n) stood completely straight and stood infront of Madison. 

"Ai laik frangheda." (I am the commander killer.) 

"Fine then commander killer, let me make another example of the commanders."

He ripped his sword out of his sheath and charged at (y/n) but they grabbed madi and dodged the attack and in a low voice spoke quickly.

 "when he is distracted you will run, yongon heda. Run right out of this prison and you will destroy it." (Young) 

Sheid heda made another blow but was blocked by (y/n)s sword. The ring of metal echoed through the room as their swords clashed over and over again until they met skin. (Y/n)s sword sliced across sheidhedas belly, ripping his clothes and cutting his skin, drawing a deep growl out of him.

"I thought you would be harder to cut navona." (Traitor) 

That disrespect sent sheidheda into a flurry of anger, as he tried to slash at (y/n) until eventually his sword found its way into their side. 

"You've failed, "frangheda" now what will you do?"

 As blood fell from the wounded commanders mouth they smiled.

 "I haven't failed, I accepted death in exchange for life, the girl heda's life." 

As sheidheda realized what the dying commander said he ripped the sword from them and looked for madi in the room but now realized it was to late.

Angry, he threw and smashed furniture in the room until he saw the trickster lying there, choking on their own blood and laughing at the child like anger. 

"Ai laik frangheda, sheidheda and I accept death." Without a hesitate sheidheda raised his sword and sliced off the commander of peace's head, making him the last commander in the chip.

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