~john Murphy~

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Murphy had been a real pain in your ass since you two got shot down to earth

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Murphy had been a real pain in your ass since you two got shot down to earth. You had been dating for years but now that he got just a little bit of power he had turned into such a dick. After alot of thinking and talking to Bellamy you decided you couldn't do it anymore. You'd waited till he got back, right before sundown.

Sitting anxiously you stared at the tent flaps as they shifted under the wind until he came in.

"Hey, stare much?" He chuckled before trying to lean over and kiss you but you blocked him and stood.

"Whats wrong? I know I was hogging the covers last night but I promise I won't tonight." He said impatiently while rubbing his neck.

Your stomach ached while you tried to find a good phrasing for the news.

"I don't know how else to say this but i wanna break up."

You both stood frozen, staring at each other. He was waiting, praying you'd bust out laughing and tell him it was some cruel prank. Still, it never came. Soon All you could do was stare at the ground while picking the skin around your nails, trying to hold back the nervous tears.

You'd never heard yourself say those words, I wanna break up. They repeated over and over again in your head. What if youd made a mistake?? Could you even live without him?? You never had, so maybe you wouldn't make it without him!! Your thoughts raced a thousand miles a minute until you got the courage to look up at him.

His eyes were trained right on you, his gaze so intense it could start a fire.

"You gonna say anything?" You mumbled.

"Why?" Was the best he could manage through the seething anger and pain that shot through him at your words.

"You just...I don't know."

"BULLSHIT!" He yelled, starting toward you till your calfs hit against the cot you two shared. "IF YOURE GOING TO BREAK UP WITH ME YOU BETTER TELL ME WHY!"

He hadn't ever yelled at you before, just been passive aggressive with you, which usually made you cry. Yet, you stood there in shock, not a tear in sight.

"What? Cat got your tongue?" His voice much calmer but still seeping anger.

"Is there someone else? Huh? You think now that we aren't trapped in that prison you can get better then me?!"

"No i-"

"Oh don't lie to me, I see how you look at Mark. God I should've known you were a slut!" He interrupted, digging at any part of you he could hurt.

"Leave." You whispered, lip trembling as you felt the rock in your throat rip at the inside as you tried to hold back the flood of tears behind it.

"I'm not leaving my tent, you leave bitch." He said, turning away and running his hands through his hair while he listened to the faint sound of your light footsteps on the dirt and the tent flap being pushed open.

As you walked away, now breaking down outside his view, you heard things being thrown behind you. His frustrated yells and crys as he raged inside the tent you two used to share. Still, never once did you look back. Merely walking to an unknown destination.

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