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You angerly burst into Titus's chambers, Lexa in toe

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You angerly burst into Titus's chambers, Lexa in toe.

"TITUS! BRING YOUR ASS OUT HERE!" I yelled, searching the room before he popped his head out.

"What can I help you with, ambassador....and heda?" He asked, quite confused at the joint appearance in his quarters.

"My people have been telling me of your misconduct against them. Refusing rooms, refusing to feed or answer any questions, slurs. Is this all true?" I asked, crossing my arms tightly over my chest.

"I, well yes ambassador but-" he tried.

"Have you been living under a rock?" I asked, feigning a smile.

"Excuse me?" His eyebrows furrowed together as he approached slowly.

"Have.you.been.living.under.a.rock?" I said, pausing after every word.

"No, If this is some skikru custom im afraid I'm not familiar." He grumbled.

"Then you MUST know of the alliance, especially since you attested it. So why are you breaking it?" I asked, beginning to back him up against a wall.

"I will not be spoken to like this! I-"

"Shut up. You may be a flame keeper Titus but I'm about to shove my foot straight up your-"

"(Y/n)." Lexa warned calmly.

Sighing, I backed away, stopping infront of Lexa.

"Get him in line, or I will." I commanded but as I began to walk away she grabbed my arm.

"Meet me in my room tonight... I have...something to go over with you." She stated, very matter of factly.

"Like what? Biology?" I whispered, smirking as I did.

"Heda, is this something I should be involved in?" He asked.

"No." We both called in unison before turning back to each other.

Gently I pulled my arm from her grasp and began walking out only to realize she was just standing there staring at me.

"Lexa, Come." I called.

Quickly, she began walking behind me, dimensioning the space that was once there as we walked down the stairs, away from Titus.

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